In the event you Share Your Knowledge at the office

I remember while facilitating a training a couple of months, a participant asked an essential question. She asked if one should share their knowledge with colleagues, especially if such knowledge was crucial to being promoted or finding a pay raise in the office. That question proved to be always a debate in the class, it was fascinating as a lot of people shared personal experiences of how knowledge sharing helped them at the office and some others shared how it was a disadvantage for them.

From the discussion, I possibly could deduce that the culture of the corporation played an extremely key role in knowledge sharing. Organizations where employees interacted freely amongst themselves had employees have been willing to generally share what they learnt with others. Employees in such organizations didn't see colleagues as competitors, rather they saw themselves as a group and it didn't matter who lead.

On one other hand, in organizations where there was unhealthy competition amongst employees' knowledge sharing was very difficult. Employees saw themselves as competitors, they would rather keep their knowledge to themselves. This trait amongst employees is extremely detrimental to the growth of the organization.

I genuinely believe that knowledge should really be shared freely within organizations for the next reasons

• It will help the corporation to grow

Organizations grow faster when knowledge sharing is encouraged. Statistics show that the fastest growing companies are the ones that equip their employees with the proper knowledge and allow knowledge to circulate within the organization does amazon deliver on sunday. Leaders in organizations should ensure it is a personal responsibility to ensure knowledge sharing is deliberately practiced.

• Stronger relationships are built

When employees are free to generally share their skills and knowledge with colleagues, healthy work environments are built. Such organizations there would be more of collaboration than competition, everyone sees the corporation all together with every employee contributing their quota. Employees don't mind if someone else gets the credit for their knowledge or idea, they don't put personal interest prior to the interest of the organization.

• It will help to advertise an understanding culture

Suppose during departmental meetings employees are encouraged to generally share new knowledge everytime, you will soon be amazed by the quantity of collective knowledge you can gain out of this exercise over an amount of time. Encourage employees to develop something new in each meeting and you can help them increase their hunger for knowledge. Leaders must create systems of their organizations that encourage employees to generate ideas and share knowledge.