Strip Method of Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant is a minor but refined surgery used to replace the lost hair on crown, eyebrows, beard or on any other part of the body where the hair are permanently lost, in men and women. Since inheritable hair loss or' Manly Pattern Baldness'– also known as”Alopecia Androgenetica”-pronounced as”Alo-pee-shia An-dro-gene-ti-ca”is the most common form of baldness in men, with no medical remedy to fully reverse Hair it at a after stage- hair transplant stays the treatment of choice. Hair Club Karachi In numerous cases, still, medical treatment with topical and oral specifics can be enforced if the baldness is in its early stages. For illustration in a youthful boy in his20's with early inheritable baldness and a veritably strong history of inheritable baldness in parents, a drug known as finesteride can be an effective remedy. Also, another drug known as Minoxidil when used topically in a attention of 2-5 doubly daily on the balding area of crown can significantly reduce the hair loss. When none of these specifics work and the case is formerly having a significant hair loss in which the reversal is supposed to be insolvable with specifics alone, hair transplant is the stylish option.

Simply described, hair transplant is a surgery in which hair are taken out from the normal crown on the reverse of the head-the area which noway grows fully bald in utmost men as the hair in this particular area are resistant to the dangerous goods of the testosterone hormone responsible for the inheritable hair loss. This is known for quite some time after times of exploration that the hairs in this area stay healthy and don't fall indeed if they're transferred to another area of crown which is susceptible to baldness in inheritable hair loss. So the healthynon-falling hair don't watch about their position and stay in place as their inheritable material makes them resistant to hair fall. In hair transplant surgery, these flexible hairs are taken out and are planted in the bald or balding area on the front of the head ( crown) where inheritable baldness generally damages hair.

The question arises as to how should the hair be take out from the reverse of the head called as' patron area'as this area donates the hair to be transplant onto the bald area. One of the best known, estimated and rehearsed styles of taking the hair out from patron area is called as” strip system”. In this system a strip of about 1-2 cm range and 20-25 cm length is incised and taken out from the patron area from the reverse of the head. Obviously the whole skin along with its hair is surgically incised taking care of the roots of the hair not to get damaged. Since the strip is taken out in a surgical suite with all the surgical installations like surgical lighting, well deposited and visible surgical field with exaggeration spectacles to help prop the surgeon to avoid trauma to the hair root ( hair follicles in general), the liability of cutting across and destroying the hair follicles is extremely small. And this is the beauty and the major advantage of the strip system over any other fashion like'follicular unit birth' (FUE).

In FUE system of taking the hair out from the patron area, a cookie- knife looking indirect cutter known as a'punch'with a periphery of 1 mm or so is fitted around one hair or a group of hair known as'follicular unit'-blindly, as the surgeon can't see the root of the hair while fitting this veritably bitsy instrument into the crown ( skin of the head). The surgeon assumes the direction of the punch cutter and the hair shaft is the same and the cutter won't cut the hair across. But this is just the supposition as hair are veritably soft structures and aren't always straight like an iron rod. Their roots may change direction slightly as they're buried in the skin and therefore the chances of cutting them across while taking them out with a bitsy cutter is much lesser. Fortunately, utmost of the hair can be taken out without damage using FUE fashion but compared to the traditional more established and more practiced fashion of strip system of patron harvesting where the damage to the hair is extremely low, FUE stays the alternate option on the list of utmost educated hair transplant surgeons in utmost cases across the globe.