Can Your Business Justify the Cost of Corporate Video Production?

When it comes to reach, nothing quite compares with video content. Whether you're using it for on boarding, for product marketing, for promoting your non-profit's cause or for something else entirely, audio-visual content is a powerful weapon in your arsenal. Of course, corporate video production does come at a cost. Can your business justify that cost?

Understanding the Truth about the Cost of Corporate Video Production

Yes, there is a cost involved with creating corporate videos. No matter whether they're for use in email marketing, will be placed on YouTube, being used to highlight real estate properties, or to educate your audience on how to use your product, you can count on paying for that content to be created.

However, it is crucial that you understand this is an investment, not a pure cost. non-profit video production company How much return will you see on yours? That depends, but a few statistics can help to highlight the underlying value for your business:

• Using videos in email marketing leads to 200-300% CTR increase. • Real estate listings with videos see more than 400% more interest than photo-based listings. • 39% of executives call a vender after watching audio-visual content. • 90% of Internet users say that videos play an important role in their purchase decision. • Companies with enjoyable audio-visual content saw an increase in brand association of 139%. • Companies with enjoyable audio-visual content saw an increase of 97% in purchase intent.

As you can see, audio-visual content can have a dramatic impact on your business. It can increase revenue, boost sales and strengthen your brand. You'll need to balance those gains against the underlying cost of producing the content to truly determine whether or not it's justifiable in your case. Most businesses find that creating this type of content is not only justifiable, but vital. Without audio-visual content, you're at a disadvantage.

You can bet that your competitors are using this content to their advantage. Even if you're a non-profit or otherwise without actual “competitors”, using videos is essential in this day and age. More and more Internet users prefer audio-visual content because of the immersive nature and the emotional impact it makes on them.

With that being said, you must compare your options when it comes to videographers. Not all production companies are created equal, and the results you achieve will hinge on the quality of the content created. It's really as simple as that. Saving a few bucks on the cost of production only to find that your video is poor quality is never a good decision.

More Affordable Than You Think

In addition to the powerful benefits mentioned above, there is also the fact that you may not need to justify much in the way of cost. Yes, corporate video production does cost money, but there are budget packages available to help offset those costs.

When you can have professional-quality content created for as little as $1500 plus HST, is there really any reason NOT to invest in your business' future?

Now you can increase your ROI through Corporate Video Production service. Contact experts of VCM Interactive for web, educational, promotional, commercial video production services in Toronto, Mississauga, on time & in budget!