The Problem With Hair Loss Comparison Websites

Searching the internet for key phrases such as “hair loss products”, “best hair loss treatments”, “hair loss product comparison” etc. one comes upon a number of websites purporting to offer an objective analysis. Interestingly however, a cursory review of such websites reveals them to be, more often than not, dead ends. That is, there is no underlying contact information which would reveal the source of whomever or whatever entity put these websites up.

For the average hair loss consumer this might not, at first blush, appear to be such a big problem. Who cares if it's difficult to figure out the source of supposedly objective consumer friendly comparison website material? Here's the problem though. In the absence of accountability, it is remarkably easy for a hair loss treatment brand to create and publish websites that favor their brand but do so by making it look like the brand outperformed other competing products in the category.

Imagine if you walked into your neighborhood grocery store and found that aisle after aisle one brand was featured over all other choices. This wouldn't be quite fair would it? Same principle applies here.

Instead of going head to head (pun intended) by putting up genuine objective comparative information, certain brands of hair treatment products flood the internet with “fake” comparison websites. Despite the wool pulled directly over the public's eyes these companies do this because it works —– and because the Federal authorities have not yet singled them out for scrutiny.

As the founder of a hair treatment line based on somewhat more diligent methodology, I am frustrated, disgusted and mortified in equal measure. I'm frustrated because some of my competitors refuse to compete on a level playing field — probably because they know we'd run circles around them. fake driver license I'm disgusted because by the tactics described, such hair companies drag the entire category down into a swamp. I'm mortified because aside from being a hair scientist, I'm also a consumer and so I know how easy it is to get duped by these kind of crooked tactics.

I'll have more to say about this subject in the coming weeks and months. Mainly because I believe the best customer is an educated customer. So I'll do my best to arm you with good and truthful information.

Dr. Geno Marcovici has fifteen years experience in the hair loss product field. Several clinical studies, including peer-reviewed IRB monitored trial. Published research includes collaborative work with University of Albany, Center For Functional Genomics. New peer-reviewed research published in September 2009 describes first naturally derived dual-mechanism hair loss treatment formula. Dr. Marcovici specializes in natural hair loss products with Hair Genesis.