Tortoise for Sale the Right Pet for Me

Like many new additions to your life, deciding to purchase a tortoise for sale should be a well-thought-out move. Pets in general can come with serious lifestyle changes, especially if it's your very first pet.


If you see a tortoise for sale and think about getting one as a pet, there are many things to consider before making your move. Tortoise for Sale  To find out if a pet tortoise is right for you, read on to learn about their diet, temperament, habitat needs, and more!




Although every tortoise is different in temperament, there are some species that are known to be more friendly than others. Many are known to have personalities and will act differently depending on a number of factors. Whether it's a Sulcata, Russian, Burmese, or any of the countless other species, you will encounter a range of personalities.


There are, however, some commonly held opinions about which tortoises are best to keep. Sulcatas are known to be social and love to be touched and rubbed down. Redfoots can be quite playful and affectionate. They make a great companion and love to be handled. Russians tend to be more bold, fearless, although they can be shy at first.




Knowing what your tortoise enjoys doing will help you create a better habitat for it. Just like temperament, the habits of your tortoise may vary; but there are common habits that you could expect from yours. They like to burrow and will usually prefer to go over any obstacle than around it.


Tortoises also love to escape and hide, so be sure the enclosure is high enough that it can't climb over and that there is plenty of places for your tortoise to hide. Although hand-feeding your tortoise leaves you at risk of unintentional bites, they are not the type to bite willingly.




Tortoises are born small, adorable animals. Over the years, however, they can grow hundreds of times their size. You can buy a tortoise for sale that fits perfectly in a small tank, but you will eventually have to find a hutch where it can comfortably live. Like I mentioned earlier, they love to climb and escape their enclosures.


So having a sturdy, breakout-proof cage for your tortoise is necessary. Glass is not recommended since tortoises prefer privacy and can become stressed with 4 glass walls that don't let it hide. If you absolutely need glass, cover 3 sides and make sure it has space to hide.


If you're keeping it outside, a spacious hutch is perfect. An inside tortoise can do just fine in a plastic swimming pool or homemade cage.




A tortoise's diet is pretty straightforward. For the best diet, you want to provide a variety of plant-based foods, as well as protein from live feed. About 80% of your tortoise's diet should be fresh vegetables.


Sweet potato, fresh kale, squash... these are all great for your tortoise. Every third or fourth feeding, offer your tortoise fruit. Humans might love fruit, but a tortoise's diet should only be about 20% fruit.


Commercial food like canned turtle food and pellets are also good for your tortoise, as well as different sources of protein from mealworms, crickets and other insects.


Lighting and temperature.


Tortoises like it hot! You'll want to make sure that you provide more than one source of heat, one of them being incandescent light. This provides a place for them to bask in warm artificial sunlight and get the heat they like.


Make sure they're able to get belly heat as well. An under cage heater can work well with glass terrariums but should never be used for plastic or wooden cages.


Start Searching Tortoises For Sale


With all of this knowledge in your hands, you now have a good idea if a pet tortoise is right for you. Tortoises are one of the most popular reptile pets, so finding tortoises for sale won't be an issue.


If you feel like you would be an awesome tortoise owner but can't decide which one to get, there's no need to worry. You can research popular tortoises for sale to see which one will grow with you and make the best companion for you.