Can I Receive a Hair Transplant from Another Person?

No, you cannot receive a hair transplant from another person in the traditional sense. Hair transplantation involves transferring hair follicles from one part of your body, typically the back or sides of your scalp, to the areas with thinning or balding hair. This procedure is known as autologous hair transplantation because the hair is taken from your own body.

Using hair from another person, known as an allograft, is not a viable option for hair transplantation in Islamabad. Hair transplantation relies on the compatibility of the hair follicles with your body's immune system, and using hair from another person would likely lead to rejection and failure of the transplant.

However, in certain cases, synthetic or artificial hair may be used for hair restoration purposes. These hair fibers are usually made from materials such as nylon or polyester and are attached to your existing hair or scalp.

This approach is different from traditional hair transplantation in Peshawar and does not involve using another person's hair. It's important to consult with a qualified hair restoration specialist to discuss the available options and determine the best course of action for your specific situation.