To have a meaningful life.

The picturesque one way line. A gloriously sharp amalgamation of societal construct. We are born, we go to school, graduate, go to college, start a career, start a family... the rules to obey and follow.

But is this really a guide to live a meaningful life?

I am certainly guilty of flirting with the idea that I too should jump onto the conveyor. Even now I am struggling to live a life which is my own and I know others are suffering too to find true meaning in a world full of uncertainty.

But then I thought- do we really need to live a meaningful life? I don't think so.

Meaning is a silly word... to live a meaningful life would ensue that life it self has an intrinsic value. It is interesting to explore but is there any truthful reason as to why life should be considered important?

When posed in this fashion, I think life ultimately doesn't have a true distinct objective meaning or value. To conclude life has true meaning is a dangerous dance with the illusive powers of romanticised societal bias.

The lack of any true importance beyond our scope of believing that such value exists is an important realisation. It certainly liberates me to think about it in such way. As it serves us a reminder that we are not bound by any meaning but of that which you and I occupy our minds with.

This is what I believe to be a meaningful life. A life which is bound by no external meaning other than the value we decide to give it, if we even want to bother with giving it a value in the first place. We may just want to live simply to live as you may find little reason to pervert your mind with inconclusive and seemingly obsolete questions.