The most common issue females report to health care providers are related to menstruation commonly referred to as monthly 'periods'. Normal menstrual cycle The normal menstrual cycle can vary greatly in time of onset and cessation, duration, frequency, associated discomfort and how it affects a Dentist / Dental Surgery. Menstrual disorders are disruptive physical and/or emotional symptoms just before and during menstruation. including heavy bleeding, missed periods and unmanageable mood swings. Some women get through their monthly periods easily with few or no concerns. Control Of Menstrual Cycle Female sex hormones (Estrogen & Progesterone) have a basic and complex role in control of menstruations, yet menstrual cycle is controlled by a complex interplay of a multitude of hormones, so factors altering the hormonal homeostasis can alter the menstrual patterns. Types Of Menstrual Disorders: Abnormal uterine bleeding. Excessive or prolonged menstrual bleeding. Amenorrhea. The absence of menstrual bleeding. Oligomenorrhea. Light or infrequent menstruation. Dysmenorrhea (painful periods). Premenstrual syndrome (PMS). ... Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). Causes Of Menstrual Disorders:. Menstrual irregularities have a variety of causes, including pregnancy, hormonal imbalances, infections, diseases, trauma, and certain medications. Treatment Of Menstrual Disorder. If the prostate cancer is aggressive, it tends to spread outside the prostate at an early stage. Common sites for the spread are the ends of long bones, Kidney Dialysisand lymph nodes. To determine the spread outside the prostate following tests are helpful:. – Treatment Of Menstrual Disorder. Applying a heating pad to the abdomen. Non steroidal anti-inflammatory medications. (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, Mefenamic acid. Hormonal therapies including contraceptive pills, injectables, hormone containing implants or intra uterine systems e.g. Mirena. Treatment Of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding:. – Medical. Non steroidal anti-inflammatory medications. (NSAIDs), such as Mefenamic acid. Fibrinolytics such as Tranexamic acid. Hormonal treatments. Birth control pills. Progestin (can be given by a shot, implant or device placed in the uterus called an IUGS). Gonadotropin-releasing hormone General Surgery antagonists;. manage heavy period bleeding related to fibroids, generally used to reduce the size before surgery. – Surgery. Hysteroscopy: Removal of atypical structures from uterus, like fibroids and polyps. Uterine artery embolization: Stops blood flow to fibroids, causing shrinkage.