Bank Holiday Monday

The final day of my staycation started at 7am when I heard Miss 17 leave the house to go feed a neighbours cats (they are on holiday). She returned ten minutes later after not being able to get in the front door – so guess who extracted himself from his sleeping bag (yes, I'm still on the sofa while my other half self-isolates) and accompanied her back to the house is question.

At least it's sunny outside.

There's an old saying – “a change is as good as a break” – that's been the story of my week. Rather than working each day I've been washing clothes, cooking, grocery shopping, washing up, tidying up, and so on. Granted, I do most of those things anyway, but it kept me busy at least.

I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to cook today. Perhaps a curry? At least curry is relatively straightforward. I'll wander into town in a bit and get some quorn or something. My other half is vegetarian, and two of the kids are coeliac – so it's easier to make one thing that everybody can eat, rather than a collection of different meals.

(a couple of hours pass)

I bought quorn pieces, and a ready-made curry sauce. Lazy, I know. We already have courgettes, onions, and peppers in the fridge, so I'll bulk out a vegetable curry with that later. At least I don't need to think about what to cook now.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go jump down the deepest internet rabbit hole I can find – because that's how we're supposed to spend our last day “off work”, isn't it ?