Making the best of it

Our youngest daughter had a quiet birthday at home.

After blowing balloons up late last night with my eldest daughter, and decorating the room suitably horrendously, we wrapped presents in brown paper and then went to bed.

This morning we watched as the newly crowned Miss 17 opened her presents, and included my other half via video call from the bedroom.

We went shopping for groceries together this morning – and returned with Miss 17's choice for an evening birthday meal – “party food”.

In her mind, party food meant tortilla chips, dips, peppers, salad, sausage rolls, hummus, olives, cheese, and various other bits and pieces. We laid it all out across the table this evening and watched an entirely forgettable movie together (Tarzan – the one with one of the Skarsgard brothers in it).

The clock is now ticking towards midnight, and I'm watching another day of my “holiday” vanish. My other half is still isolating in the bedroom, having being hit by the COVID genetic reaction lottery quite badly.

Let's hope tomorrow brings a better day.