
Today was the first of my “staycation”. Nine days away from work. I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to fill those days with, given that we can't really afford to go anywhere or do anything, but I'm sure the universe will figure out something that needs doing each day, and results in returning to work without really feeling like I've had a break.

It's funny how that happens.

Everything feels so detached at the moment. I find myself rarely setting foot in Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. “Social” feels like such a lie. I suppose if I'm honest, I'm really not a very “social” animal at all. I used to think I was. I would share thoughts about things as they occurred to me. Share photos. Words. These days I find myself hesitating over anything and everything.

Having an opinion has become poisonous. Any firmly held view can be demonised by a vocal minority, and suddenly you're fire fighting perceived judgements that haven't happened.

I can't help feeling it's easier to keep quiet than volunteer much of anything to anybody any more.

I sometimes wonder if I'm the only person that has realised the truth behind the various influencers and mouthpieces that dominate online discourse – that their deliberately mansplained lectures are designed more to cause reaction than to evoke empathy, or understanding.

Perhaps I should try harder to remember that the vocal self-proclaimed majority of the social internet are not only a small minority of the largely silent online whole, but an almost immeasurably small fraction of the wider world.