Yes ... and ... uh ... but ... no

As is usual for any hobby, I sort of get interested and uninterested in waves. One hobby in particular, however, has had the uninterested (verging on actively despising) part of the cycle going longer and longer and longer each time the cycle runs. It's approached crisis mode since early 2020.

This hobby is “MUSHing”. It's online, text-only RP and when it's working well it's a delight. The problem is that it's not working well much any longer. Instead it's getting dominated more and more by the kinds of people who commit a number of gross RP sins.

The sin I'm going to talk about today is the sin of shutting down RP.

“Yes, and” vs. “no, but”

It's known in improv circles that negation kills scenes dead while affirmation builds them up. The two phrases used to differentiate are “yes, and” and “no, but”. Consider them in use in this pair of dialogues.

“Yes, and...”

Player 1: Damn, it's a hard life working in the meat packing plant!

Player 2: It sure is. I don't know what's worse: the smell, the long hours, or the back-breaking labour.

Player 3: For me it's the pleading look in the villagers' eyes as you cut their throats.

Player 4: Nah, for me it remains breaking their backs. But what you gonna do? The orc chieftain wants his roast human!

“No, but...”

Player 1: Damn, it's a hard life working in the meat packing plant!

Player 2: We're not even in a meat packing plant! But it's a hard life in the space marines!


The first scene likely goes on into ever more gruesome, but delightful play. The second scene probably ended right there with Player 1 stalking off to find someone who doesn't suck to play with.

Surely, however, I'm exaggerating things. Surely nobody is actually behaves that way in an improv setting?

Actual behaviour in an improv setting

Here's an exchange that happened on a MUSH recently. The discussion was in an out-of-character communication channel.

Selene Gallio says, “Are you in town still during the evacuation, Stephen?”

Stephen Strange says, “why do you ask?”

Selene Gallio has... desires to look around inside, maybe make notes of the architecture, abuse the ley line it is built upon, talk with Wong about recipes.

Stephen Strange says, “well...It really isn't up to me. The Sanctum has a mind of its own, you know. Actually, OOCly, I am kidding. It is totally up to me, and right now, Stephen is not ICly home.”

Satana rubs her hands together over nothing in particular. Then high-fives Selene.

Selene Gallio is hoping he wasn't and she is wanting to do a bit of 'Gozer' action and create a new kingdom for her to rule from using a potent ritual. Selene Gallio high fives Satana.

Stephen Strange says, “and...honestly....OOCly, people are not getting in the Sanctum if Strange isn't in.”

Selene Gallio wants to take what she believes she is owed. “Even if I got a kryptonian?”

Illyana Rasputina says, “No.”

Stephen Strange says, “What Illy said. Especially with Kryptonians. They no like magic...”

Selene Gallio was trying to create some drama and rp, but that's fair. I'll back off.

Stephen Strange says, “let's put it this way. There has been one instance on this game in which the Sanctum was breached. And that was specifically for a plot, and the person had to power themselves up just to get in through the wards long enough to take one single item. I am not adverse to the idea. I am just saying that, in the middle of an angelic invasion, given the number of relics in the Sanctum and the express desire to not allow them to fall into angelic hands? Yeah...getting in is most likely not going to happen. And getting out would be even harder.”

Selene Gallio says, “I didn't mention getting out, but no that's fine. it's your house, you're free to do as you will on a consent based game.”

Blade says, “Man, I hate to hear what it sounds like when you ARE adverse to the idea!”

Satana snappoints at Blade.

Daniel Chain is late to the conversation but is already envisioning what Strange's version of 'Geddoff my lawn' might be like.

Stephen Strange says, “If I was adverse to the idea. I would just say 'No, drop it' and walk away. Because I don't want people to think I am a cranky old man, I offer the explanation.”

Satana just pinches the bridge of her nose.

Stephen Strange says, “But, now I am going to drop it. If you wish to pursue, please feel free to page.”

John Constantine looks back in here, “Oof. Jayzus.”

(In the interests of full disclosure, I am the player of Satana, not Selene Gallio. I have half a horse in this race because I thought Selene's idea sounded fun and was about to go along with it until... “NO, BUT!”)


There are several consequences to Stephen Strange's behaviour above.

  1. He killed what could have been an entertaining scene of hi-jinks and things going wrong right in the cradle. Because contrary to his claim that he's “not adverse (sic) to the idea”, he has very clearly shown with literally everything he said that he's not only averse to it, he's likely to openly and flatly negate it all. And in a game based around rules of consent that's a flat-out “NO”. Not even a “no, but” but a straight-up, dyed-in-the-wool “NO”.

  2. He's guaranteed that anybody who witnessed that conversation will not be tapping him for any kind of scene ideas that involve any chance of his character being even slightly weak because he clearly has issues around that point.

  3. He's caused at least two players to once again question if there's any point in even continuing to play MUSHes because of the continual frustration involved in running into people like him. (Full disclosure: I'm one of the two.)

So what instead?

How about going along with it!? Is that such a radical idea? NOBODY except Steven Strange's player was thinking that this would be a cakewalk (nor even that it would be successful in the first place!). A scene could have been had where two powerful, evil characters faced up against Steven Strange's home while he was out dealing with a major problem and found themselves biting off way more than they could chew. That would be a “yes, and” and would be a fun scene.

Or, you know, if Steven Strange's player could tolerate even a small weakness in his character, the pair could get in and actually get at least a part of what they had planned done. Then there would be lead-ins to further RP as he went to get it back, or whatnot. Conflict becomes drama becomes plot becomes story.

But hey, why not just shut that all down with long tirades about not being “adverse” to things while making it clear that nobody had better touch your precious character!