Essays on the Collapse of the Soviet Union

Essays on the collapse of the Soviet Union should begin by describing the history of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union, also known as The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) was established in April of 1922 and based on Marxist-Leninist principles. The Soviet Union finally collapsed in 1991 due to failed reforms, a stagnant economy and the war in Afghanistan.

Essays on the collapse of the Soviet Union should also list the fifteen republics that comprised the Soviet Union: Russian SFSR, Ukrainian SSR, Uzbekistan SSR, Kazakhstan SSR, Belarusian SSR, Azerbaijan SSR, Georgian SSR, Tajikstan SSR, Moldovan SSR, Krygztan SSR, Lithuanian SSR, Turkmenistan SSR, Armenian SSR, Latvian SSR and Estonian SSR. Their relationship with Russia at that time should be described as well. In addition, essays on the collapse of the Soviet Union should look at the role that Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin had in the USSR's downfall. For example, the reforms introduced by Gorbachev such as glasnost, perestroika and democratization can be examined and analyzed in terms of their effect on the Soviet Union. An analysis of Boris Yeltsin's leadership and how he toppled Gorbachev to do away with his reforms is another analysis to include in essays on the collapse of the Soviet Union. A thorough look at the impact of the economic stagnation of the country and the Soviet Union's war with Afghanistan is another important cause of the collapse and should be discussed in essays on the collapse of the Soviet Union as well. Furthermore, the national and international consequences of this collapse should be detailed in essays on the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Research papers, cause and effect essays and history essays make good essays on the collapse of the Soviet Union. Before you write an essay on the collapse of the Soviet Union, you should first thoroughly research the topic to make sure you you are sufficiently knowledgeable to write about it. The research on the collapse of the Soviet Union you consult can then be cited in your essay. Also, by reading examples from “ bullying essay conclusion “ website of essays on the collapse of the Soviet Union you can gain additional insight and ideas for your essay.