varindia investments in education and science are the most reasonable investments “This is one of the most important policies for SDP, because investment in science, education, technology and innovation is not a cost for us, but the wisest investment in the future It is also a key mechanism for transforming society towards a modern economy and a progressive society, ”Bernardich said at a press conference. The study program has three main objectives: quality education accessible to all on an equal basis, teacher support, and education for a sustainable and inclusive economy. The Restart Coalition strives to ensure the same quality of the educational process at all levels and in all areas, from nurseries and kindergartens to schools and universities, scientific institutions and educational institutions for adults. According to Bernardich, their task is to preserve school bags and homework at school, as well as to invest in the work and continuous improvement of the carriers of the educational process. He said the crisis would not affect teachers' hard-earned rights, that is, wages in education, but would improve their status. Some of the most important measures are the creation of an accessible network of nurseries, kindergartens and preschool institutions in cooperation with local governments, as well as free meals for each child, the construction of new affordable and affordable accommodation facilities in hostels. Glasovac: There is money, the question is in priorities “The goal is that every child in Croatia, whether from a small municipality or a big city, from a poor or rich family, regardless of origin and name, has an equal right to access to success, which means an equal right to getting an affordable and quality education, ”said Bernardich. Member of Parliament Sabina Glasovac noted that measures to achieve the goals include continuing comprehensive curriculum reform to ensure special access to children and harmonizing standards, the introduction of a nine-year primary school with daytime education and extracurricular activities, civic and health education, and free education of young people in new knowledge and skills. ... There is also the Student Loan Fund, the National Program to Improve the Quality of Youth Education, centers of excellence in all sectors of vocational education, free and digitally accessible courses, distance learning regardless of age and location, and new vocational pursuits. “The fact is that in 2020, 465 million Croatian kronor is allocated in the budget of the Ministry of Defense, and 240 million Croatian kronor in the Ministry of Science and Education. Therefore, when you ask me where the money is – there is money, the only question is what are our priorities, ”Glasovac said. With regard to the timing of education reform, he points out that they have short-term and long-term measures, because they will not be able to implement all projects under one mandate, for example, the introduction of nine-year compulsory education. Several other issues, such as civic education, nutrition and assessment of assessments, can and should be addressed within the first year of the mandate, Glasovac said.