Starting over...
That's me. I remember back when the original Diamond & Pearl came out... Bees and I preordered the games, and they came with these pencil style styluses .. the ones like the DSi XL had? These..
I lost mine somewhere on Millard Avenue, and Bees lost hers in the shuffle when we had to evacuate bc of bedbugs??
Tis a shame. But apparently, they are on eBay.... so, if you are interested... there you be..
Like I said in the previous post, I chose Piplup in the beginning. I think Bees chose Piplup too...
So, but with this Nuzlocke thing... your starter depends on your trainer ID. According to Bulbapedia, “A common system is if the last digit of the player's Trainer ID number is 1-3, the player must choose the Grass-type starter; if it is 4-6, the Fire-type starter; if it is 7-9, the Water-type starter; if it is 0, free choice”... so.. let's fire up the game!!
I've played the remakes a bit and Barry, hasn't changed a bit. Still an impulsive annoying guy. He reminds me somewhat of myself with the impulsive bit ha ha...
Anyways, you get to choose your rival's name... I chose Barry bc of the anime?
And he goes chasing after a red gyarados... in this... in Platinum it is one of the legendary lake Pokémon.
I like how in the remakes you can choose to have blonde hair instead of Dawn's blue (black??) hair...
So... and lol, Barry's mother wonders who the eff Barry takes after!!!
So when you reach the Verity lakefront entrance save before entering!
See you in the lakefront!! It's time to pick your pokeymans!!!