The Illusion of choice and A Course in Miracles

Most find it very hard to bear to consider the idea that choice is actually an illusion, or the illusion of choice, as stated in a Course in Miracles (ACIM). You make choices everyday, so the idea of choice not being real seems highly illogical and to say the least, improbable, given its consistent daily use. Although choice is essential while you are here, it ultimately remains a part of the illusion and is not a part of God. Choice is hard to bear because you believe it to be necessary, not because it is an illusion. inch

It stands to reason that you are in what you think of as this world because you get your choice, or choice, for this world to be real. If you continue making that same choice, it keeps on becoming a lot more real. ACIM clearly points out that ideas do not leave their source. Who then would be the source? What choices are you really making?

Choice, Perception and Judgment:

You think this world is real because you made the option to think the ego's version of reality from the original splitting up. Those initial awareness are accompanied by the next choice which is to evaluate the results, thereby producing further consequences which reinforce the belief on earth. It's a bad, no-win cycle. As you perceive you will judge; and as you judge you will perceive. Error is made real by this simple sprained deceptiveness. Withdraw your choice to think in the results and the error can be fixed.

Choice and Source:

Would you not then function as the source since you are the one making the option to think? You don't remember that original splitting up; however, you are making choices now, and what you are doing so all the time. Every moment you are choosing between thoughts, feelings and ideas, etc. If it isn't you, then who do you wish to claim is responsible? Be careful, because claiming another is responsible is actually responsibility and you have no power to change if you think another is in charge. You are simply making yourself a victim. Both of these are ego tricks.

Accepting responsibility for everything, including choice and its consequences is the fastest way to change acim. This allows you to choose again because you can see the results and realize you need to have chosen in error. It is your thoughts and beliefs with the decision, or choice, to make them true that becomes the effect of what you see in your world. Legal issues of Cause and Effect is a snap: According to the mind you choose from, as cause, you will see the related effect.

So long as as you have a split mind, you are constantly choosing between the wrong mind of the ego (error) and the Right Mind of the Holy Spirit (correction). You will see the effect depending on the choice of mind you use as cause. You cannot have two pga masters. In the ego world, it is always one or the other. Choosing the a static correction of the Holy Spirit undoes the error of the ego and returns the mind to the peace of God. This process is also known as forgiveness.