“Dr. Greger's Daily Dozen” Review

50 Word Review

This app allows users to track their intake of 12 foods types from the book “How not to die”. It's a bit inflexible but It has links to resources about nutrition so it makes a good reference (It's what I will use it for). UI is not optimized.

Developer Product Description

Dr. Greger’s Daily Dozen details the healthiest foods and how many servings of each we should try to check off every day from his book How Not Die—now including the 21 Tweaks from How Not to Diet—weight-loss accelerators to help maximize our natural fat-burning capabilities.

All the proceeds from his books, DVDs, and speaking engagements are donated to charity.

Overview Detail
App Name: Dr. Greger's Daily Dozen
Code Location : https://github.com/nutritionfactsorg/daily-dozen-android
Focus Areas Food, Healthy Eating, Forming Habits
Data Types Documents food intake, Weight
Data Export JSON, Manual Backups, NO Report export
Connectivity Offline, Reference resources (like butritional facts) require connection
Suitable for non-technical people Yes
Platform Android

Export Data Format Example (JSON)

{"Date":"20230121","dailyDozen":{"Spices":1,"Whole Grains":0,"Other Fruits":0,"Nuts":1,"Vitamin B12":1,"Beans":3,"Cruciferous Vegetables":1,"Flaxseeds":0,"Other Vegetables":2,"Beverages":5,"Berries":0,"Exercise":1,"Greens":0},"eveningWeight":0.0,"morningWeight":0.0,"tweaks":{"Meal 20 Minutes":0,"Meal Undistracted":0,"Meal Vinegar":0,"Daily Front-Load":0,"Daily Black Cumin":0,"Meal Water":0,"Complete Intentions":0,"Daily Cumin":0,"Daily NutriYeast":0,"Nightly Fast":0,"Daily Hydrate":0,"Nightly Trendelenburg":0,"Exercise Timing":0,"Nightly Sleep":0,"Daily Time-Restrict":0,"Weigh Twice":0,"Meal NegCal":0,"Daily Green Tea":0,"Daily Garlic":0,"Daily Ginger":0,"Daily Deflour Diet":0}}
{"Date":"20230122","dailyDozen":{"Spices":0,"Whole Grains":0,"Other Fruits":0,"Nuts":0,"Vitamin B12":0,"Beans":0,"Cruciferous Vegetables":0,"Flaxseeds":0,"Other Vegetables":0,"Beverages":0,"Berries":0,"Exercise":0,"Greens":0},"eveningWeight":74.0,"morningWeight":73.0,"tweaks":{"Meal 20 Minutes":0,"Meal Undistracted":0,"Meal Vinegar":0,"Daily Front-Load":0,"Daily Black Cumin":0,"Meal Water":3,"Complete Intentions":0,"Daily Cumin":0,"Daily NutriYeast":0,"Nightly Fast":0,"Daily Hydrate":0,"Nightly Trendelenburg":0,"Exercise Timing":0,"Nightly Sleep":1,"Daily Time-Restrict":0,"Weigh Twice":2,"Meal NegCal":0,"Daily Green Tea":0,"Daily Garlic":0,"Daily Ginger":0,"Daily Deflour Diet":0}}


#food #health #eating #habit #diet