How Can I Stop Debt Collection Harassment and Calls from Van Ru Credit?

Dealing with debt collection harassment and incessant calls from agencies like Van Ru Credit can be a distressing and unsettling experience. However, it's important to understand that you have rights and legal protections when it comes to dealing with debt collectors. In this article, we will delve into the issue of debt collection harassment and explore the steps you can take to stop unwanted calls and assert your rights in the face of collection efforts by Van ru credit debt collection harassment stop callst.

Understanding Debt Collection Harassment

Debt collection harassment refers to the aggressive and inappropriate tactics employed by debt collectors to collect a debt from you. Such tactics can include relentless and intrusive phone calls, threats, and the use of offensive language. Van Ru Credit, like all debt collection agencies, is governed by laws and regulations that prohibit such practices.

Your Rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA)

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) is a federal law that safeguards consumers from abusive and unfair practices by debt collectors. Under the FDCPA, debt collectors, including agencies like Van Ru Credit, are prohibited from engaging in the following behaviors:

Harassment or Abuse: Debt collectors cannot use tactics that are meant to harass, oppress, or abuse you. This includes using obscene language, making threats, or repeatedly calling your phone.

Calling at Inconvenient Times: Calls from debt collectors must occur during reasonable hours, generally between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m. based on your local time zone.

False or Misleading Representations: Debt collectors cannot make false statements about your debt, threaten legal actions they cannot take, or misrepresent themselves.

Third-Party Disclosure: They are not allowed to disclose your debt to third parties without your consent, except for your spouse or attorney.

Providing Written Validation: Upon request, debt collectors must provide you with written validation of the debt they are attempting to collect.

Steps to Stop Debt Collection Harassment from Van Ru Credit

Document All Calls: It's essential to maintain a detailed record of all communication with Van Ru Credit, including dates, times, the phone number they call from, and the content of the conversation.

Request Written Communication: If you find yourself consistently receiving unwanted calls, request that Van Ru Credit communicate with you in writing. This not only reduces the frequency of phone calls but also creates a paper trail of their actions.

Invoke the FDCPA: If the harassment continues, inform Van Ru Credit that their actions are in violation of the FDCPA. Mention your rights under the law and request that they cease contact.

Report Violations: If the harassment persists, report their actions to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and your state's Attorney General's office.

Consult an Attorney: If the debt collection harassment by Van Ru Credit remains unresolved, consider consulting an attorney experienced in consumer protection and the FDCPA. They can guide you through legal action if necessary.

Legal Action: In some cases, pursuing a lawsuit against Van Ru Credit may be necessary to stop the harassment and seek compensation for damages.


Experiencing debt collection harassment and incessant calls can be overwhelming, but it's vital to understand that you have rights and legal protections on your side. Van Ru Credit, like all debt collection agencies, must adhere to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, ensuring that consumers are protected from abusive and intrusive tactics.

If you believe your rights are being violated, don't hesitate to take action. Document all communication, invoke the FDCPA, report violations, and seek legal advice when needed. By asserting your rights, you can regain control over your peace of mind and put an end to debt collection harassment and unwanted calls. Remember, you have legal protections in place to support you in this endeavor.