Intelligent and Smart Ways to Respond to Phone Harassment

Generally speaking, people have been, at one point in their lives, exposed to a serious or jocular harassment. And more often, these people who been subject of Facing Overstock Credit Card Harassment do not really know or unconsciously are not able to respond rationally with this type of an incident.

Defining Harassment

In order to respond rationally with this kind of an unwanted incident, you need to clearly have an understanding about what it is and the present elements that will qualify such a harassment incident.

Harassment such as phone harassment is any unwanted phone conversation that may result into:

a. An ill feeling such as discomfort, sadness, grief, and fear. b. An invaded privacy of the person. c. Restless and abnormal behavior.

In order to further qualify any unwanted phone incident, a phone harassment becomes as such when the following unwanted behaviors are seen:

a. There is the presence of the intention to bully the person; b. There is constancy in the call (meaning regularly calling you at an interval). c. There is the presence of threatening or even mild intimidating words.

Why Do People Harass Over the Phone?

This has been always the question. But you see, psychology tells us that people who get attracted to do phone harassment are those that are essentially coward and that speaking in front of the person on a face to face basis makes him or her scared.

The Right Way to Respond

More often, when people receive phone harassment, the initial thing that they do is to hang up the phone or keep silent until the phone caller finishes his or her litany. At a certain point this is an acceptable reaction but when you do it the second or third time, then that actions becomes not permissible anymore. As a thinking being, you need to have a course action about how you should handle phone harassment. Below are the intelligent and smart things that you can do in order to shield yourself from being a victim of harassment:

Make sure that you have recorded all incidents of phone harassment that you have. Phone companies are able to track down every call that you receive. In some way, you are facing the problem itself by escalating this to the right authority. In addition, make sure that you try to get as much information about the caller so that when you report the incident, your phone provider will be able to have other information to refer to. Immediately after you have recorded the incident, phone your communications provider about the incident. Right after tracking the caller, they can bar the caller from even dialing your own number. Monitor your calls and possibly apply for a number screening feature. The number screening feature will help you decline all unknown call on your number.