on calls

was with the same reg on my last set of on calls! lucky me.

unfortunately one of us is turning out to be a magnet; had plenty of unwell patients. was this the on calls where he decided a very frail patient needed a relook laparotomy? maybe. he seems to have at least one going to emergency surgery every time I'm on call with him.

if you wonder why healthcare staff have such superstition: we have so little locus of control it feels better to blame it on someone saying the Q word or someone being a magnet rather than a strained system.


have seen many people's bums and carefully squished many people's abdomens. learned a lot. got some pointed but well meaning feedback from said reg.

the ol' career instnct is pointing towards ICU as a way to: * maintain medic diagnostic skills * airway skills * much physiology * learn some surgery-adjacent skills

#surgery #career