
An non-updated version of this appears in self stuff, among other commentary.

I knew you existed but we've never met. At the same time it was like I've always known you but I couldn't say a thing about you that scratched beyond the surface.

Did you feel the same way about me? When you came to did you know anything about me that I didn't already know about myself?

You kept secrets from me but can I keep my secrets from you?

Am I just you from some other timeline where the things that you think are so important never happened?

or am I just an imagination of that reality am I even here?

I wanted to save myself. I wanted to save you. I wanted to save your agency. I wanted to save your memory. I wanted to save a point in time where this never happened to you the better reality where you were left alone.

Maybe in that way I wanted to stop you from having saved that point in time on your own.

I wanted to leave and vanish and hide but there was nowhere to run to.