The humble commit message

You craft a code change with tests, comments, and maybe even some documentation. But when you commit the change, it's tempting to rush. Instead, spare a thought for the humble commit message.

A well-written commit message can be like gold dust later — possibly much later — in the project. It's a chance to record why you made the change, any compromises you made, stuff that still needs to be done, and perhaps alternative approaches you rejected.

Commit messages, sometimes called commit logs, are like documentation which never goes out of date because they relate to a specific commit. They don't clutter up your code. They are there for the asking when you need them,

If you've ever been faced with working out what a piece of code is doing and why it is the way it is, good commit messages can give a unique insight into the coder's mind.

The following links give some ideas and examples for writing better commit messages: * How to Write a Git Commit Message * Conventional Commits * My longest ever commit message