Things to Ask Your Basement Waterproofing Company

When homeowners have leaks or water in their basement, they often turn to professional basement waterproofing companies. They'll provide a variety of solutions so you can be worry-free and know that your home is safe and dry. These services include installing drainage systems, cleaning the gutters, replacing window wells, and installing sump pumps.

When hiring a professional basement waterproofing contractor, you'll want to ensure you have all the information you need to make an informed decision. Here are some things you should ask your potential water damages service contractor before making a final decision.

Ask what kind of warranty their basement waterproofing system comes with

If you're paying to have your basement waterproofed, you want to know that you can be confident in work being done. One way to do that is to ask what kind of warranty their basement waterproofing system comes with and how long it lasts. The longer, the better, but you should also be sure to get the details on what exactly that means. It's often not enough to know that if there's a problem related to the work, it will be fixed within a certain time frame. You should ask about specifics, such as how long the basement waterproofing system will be guaranteed to work and what exactly “fixing” it entails.

How does your company handle customer complaints?

Does the company you're considering hiring have a dedicated customer service or complaints department? If you encounter a problem, will they visit your home free of charge to assess the situation, or will you have to take time from your busy schedule to see them? Will they come out at night or on weekends if that works best for your program? And most importantly, will they commit to fixing any issues with their work in a timely fashion so that you know your basement is genuinely safe and dry? Do they also offer emergency basement waterproofing? Ask all those mentioned above before appointing anyone for the job.

What type of materials and equipment do you use in waterproofing basements?

When it comes to waterproofing a basement, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Every property is unique, and some solutions are better suited for different problems and different budgets. If a company offers you one solution without visiting your home or performing an inspection, that should be a huge red flag! A reliable waterproofing company will assess your property and determine the best combination of methods to protect your home. They opt for a tailored approach by considering various factors, including the source and type of moisture, local weather conditions, your building's construction, your budget, and its likely usage. The solution they offer is completely unique to you and your property.