
How to Select the Best Air Purifier For Your Needs

Indoor air pollution is a serious problem. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), air pollution levels are two to five times higher indoors. In some buildings with a lack of proper ventilation, the indoor air may be 100 times more polluted than the air outside! This is because modern buildings are constructed with energy efficiency in mind. However, the tight seals that make a home energy-efficient also trap pollutants inside. On top of that, the average American takes nine out of ten breaths indoors, so it's imperative to make sure that your indoor air is free of allergens and other impurities.

Air purifiers eliminate allergens, toxic chemicals, and other dangerous pollutants. This article explains why people use air purifiers, how they work, which air purifiers you should avoid, and how to select the best air purifier for your needs.

Common Indoor Air Pollutants

What is the source of indoor air pollution? In terms of organic pollutants, mold and dust mites are everywhere – and they are the two most common causes of year-round allergic rhinitis (hay fever). Pollen is also a pervasive allergen that always finds its way into your home since it is so small and sticky. If you have pets, they will surely spread their dander to every nook and cranny of your home. Many viruses and bacteria are also airborne.

Even though they are not organic allergens, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) cause many people to experience allergic reactions and other health problems. VOCs include formaldehyde, fragrances, pesticides, solvents, and cleaning agents. VOCs can enter the air through chemical off-gassing from furniture, new carpets, adhesives, plastics, and various building materials. Furthermore, many VOCs are known carcinogens (cancer-causing agents).

Environmental contaminants like cigarette smoke, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen dioxide may also be present in your indoor air, as well as toxic heavy metals like airborne lead, mercury vapor, and radon.

How Air Purifiers Work

HEPA air purifiers use a HEPA air filter, which was developed by the Atomic Energy Commission in the 1940s as a way to filter radioactive contaminants. HEPA filters set the standard for air purifiers: to be classified as HEPA, a filter must capture a minimum of 99. 97% of pollutants at 0. 3 microns or larger. Top-selling HEPA air purifiers include the Austin Air purifier, available with a HEGA (High Efficiency Gas Adsoprtion) filter, along with air purifiers from IQAir, Allerair, Blueair, and Honeywell.

Activated carbon filters remove gases, odors, and chemical toxins. The carbon is “activated” when it is treated with oxygen, which opens up millions of tiny pores to attract and adsorb chemicals. Impregnated carbon filters have been treated with an additional chemical, normally either potassium iodide or potassium permanganate; these chemicals, known as chemisorbents, improve the carbon filter's ability to trap VOCs and other chemically reactive gases.

Electrostatic filters use an electrostatic charge to attract pollutants and trap them on collector plates. These filters are great for people who don't want to have to worry about changing HEPA filters, but if the collection plates are not cleaned frequently, they quickly lose efficiency. Also, beware that some electrostatic filters emit ozone, which is known to be a powerful lung irritant and can be very irritating to some people with asthma or allergies. The Friedrich air purifier is, by far, the best electrostatic air purifier, as well as the overall top-ranked air purifier in previous Consumer Reports rankings.

Charged media filters give pollutants an electrostatic charge before collecting them in a traditional filter. Charged media filters are typically quite effective, but like electrostatic filters, they lose efficiency rapidly-and they may require frequent and expensive filter changes. Some charged media air filter units also emit ozone. The advantage of charged media filters is that they are quieter and more energy-efficient than HEPA air purifiers. The Blueair air purifier is the best charged media filter, and it does not emit ozone.

Where and How to Use an Air Purifier

If you suffer from allergies (especially if you're allergic to dust mite allergen), then the best place for an air purifier is your bedroom. It's essential to have clean air in your bedroom because you spend about a third of your life there. If you're allergic to animal dander and have pets, then you may want to place an air purifier in the room where your pets spend most of their time-and keep the pets out of your bedroom! Also, you should not place an air purifier in the corner of a room; it should be at least a couple of feet away from the walls for maximum air flow.

You should run your air purifier continuously for optimum performance. Most air purifiers have high and low settings. Even if you go on vacation, we recommend that you keep your air purifier running on low. Otherwise, you'll return to a house full of polluted air! If you are concerned about your electric bill, find out how much energy an air purifier uses before buying it. Typical HEPA air purifiers can use anywhere from 50 watts on low to 200 watts on high. For comparison, a typical lamp uses about 60 watts, while a typical computer uses about 365 watts. ODM 정수기

Air Purifiers to Avoid

Avoid ozone generators and ionizing air cleaners. These air purifiers create ions that attract pollutants; however, many of the pollutants are released back into the air, often times leading to dirty spots on nearby walls. Besides the fact that they don't do a good job of cleaning the air, ozone generators and ionizing cleaners also emit ozone. Ozone, a main component of smog, could potentially lead to a serious asthma attack.

Moreover, David Peden, researcher at the Center of Environmental Medicine and Lung Biology at the University of North Carolina, has examined how ozone exposure might exacerbate the allergic response of people who are allergic to dust mites, and his results suggest that ozone worsens the asthmatic response. The EPA has warned consumers against using ozone generators, and Consumer Reports recommends against the newest Ionic Breeze Quadra, despite the addition of OzoneGuard, a device meant to eliminate some of the dangerous ozone emitted by the Ionic Breeze.

Consumer Reports points out: “Our air-cleaning tests show that the Ionic Breeze with OzoneGuard does a poor job of removing smoke, dust and pollen particles from the air when new and after 500 hours of continuous use” and “the Ionic Breeze with OzoneGuard still adds ozone to the air. “

Espring Water Purifier -Should You Invest In The Espring To Improve Your Health?

The Espring water purifier is always rated as one of the top water purifiers on the market. It is one of the most popular water purifiers available today. However, just because a water purifier is popular doesn't necessarily make it the best option for your health.

There are many different types of water purifiers on the market today. Here is a consumer review to help you determine whether or not the Espring water purifier is the right option for your health.

First of all, one of the most important things you need to be aware of is that tap water is absolutely poisonous for your health. In recent studies, it has proven that there are 140 different harmful chemicals in our water supply today for which the EPA has done nothing to get rid of.

Therefore, every mouthful of water you intake, you are receiving hundreds of harmful chemicals into your body. A water purifier is essential to maintain sound health, no matter how good your eating habits may be.

One of the great things about the Espring water purifier is that it has tested to remove more than 99. 9% of the waterborne, disease ridden bacteria and viruses so often found in our water supply. This is by far one of the highest rates among water purifiers today, and this is obviously most important factor in deciding which water purifier to purchase.

Water from the Espring water Purifier is safer than tap water, it dramatically improves the taste, odor and clarity of water, and while other systems treat drinking water, Espring purifies it.

Another great benefit of the Espring water purifier is that it has a high flow rate. If you aren't familiar with most traditional water purifiers, this is extremely important. There are many water purifiers on the market today that, quite simply, Máquina de fabricación de agua de hidrógeno OEM pour the water so slowly that you will be standing at the sink for literally several minutes just to fill a glass.

Obviously, this can be a great inconvenience. Therefore, one of the great features of the Espring water purifier is that if fills the water glass so quickly.

Also, the Espring has a very high durability rate. It has proven to treat drinking water effectively for even a family of 6 for up to one year before replacement. For most smaller families, this number will obviously be even higher.

In addition, it is very easy to install. You do not need a degree from MIT to install this onto your counter. It is easy to replace when the time comes, and it doesn't take up very much space.

The bottom line is this: the Espring water purifier always rates among the top systems available today. Many people have and continue to improve their health by utilizing one of these systems. This is a very effective water purifier at improving your health

Remember, it is absolutely vital that you purchase a water purifier to improve your health. The most important thing is, regardless of which water purifier you decide to purchase, that you make a decision and get started immediately. If you are in the market for a water purifier, the Espring water purifier should certainly be at the top of your shopping list.

Fish Capsules – Should You Consider Using Fish Oil Capsules?

Research has shown that our body requires 1000 – 2000 mg or about 1. 5 grams on average of fatty acids everyday. These fatty acids are DHA, EPA, ALA and DPA. They are also termed as omega 3 fatty acids. Natural sources of omega 3 fatty acids are fish (oil-rich fish like salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring, eel etc. ), harp seal and some vegetables like soybean, canola, flax, and kiwi. Krill is also a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids but is not very widely known.

In order to achieve optimum levels of fatty acids in the body, every one of us needs to consume omega 3 fish oil capsule twice or thrice a day.

The question is should you consider using an omega 3 fish oil capsule? The answer is yes if you want to have proper health and lead a happy and fruitful life. Even if you think you don't need fatty acids now, at some point in your life you are going to experience their deficiency. This is particularly true for women because when they are about to have a baby, most of the fatty acid content, including DHA, is transferred to the baby. DHA is responsible for proper development of brain cells and retina. So, if you want to improve your ability to concentrate, think and make positive decisions you should consume DHA in large amounts. Flax and Fish Oil

Fatty acids are also important to develop a strong immune system. People who constantly complain of a bad throat, running nose, motion sickness, upset stomach and skin problems are highly deficient in the essential fatty acids. Because our body is incapable of making DHA and EPA, we must use at least one omega 3 fish oil capsule daily. Skin diseases like acne and red spots can be controlled by including omega 3 fatty acids in the diet.

These fatty acids also help us fight against cancer, cardiovascular disease, sudden cardiac arrest, arthritis and depression. It has also been established that fatty acids are required for proper growth of hair.

A quality Omega 3 fish oil capsule should contain more than 12% of EPA and more than 18% of DHA. Buy only those products that contain highly concentrated amounts of DHA and EPA. Some supplement products also contain vegetable oils or fruit extracts to make them taste good.

Star flower oil, flax seed oil, and orange juice extracts are common additives in fish oil supplements. Flax seed contains an important short-chain fatty acid known as alpha linolenic acid (ALA) and is very useful for the body, however, a natural fish that swims in oceans with minimal pollution is the best possible choice when it comes to consuming these crucial fatty acids.

We have found a pure pharmaceutical grade, molecularly distilled fish oil product that is naturally high in DHA and EPA.

Austin Air Purifiers Combat Indoor Air Pollution

When most people think of air pollution they think of large factories, cities, and industrial areas. But in reality, the air inside your home may be much more polluted than you thought, with harmful chemicals, allergens, and particles constantly circulating in the air you breathe. Now that people are becoming aware of indoor air pollution, they are turning to home air purifiers for relief. One of the most consistently high-rated brands of home purifier brands is Austin. People love Austin Air Purifiers because they are effective, durable, quiet, and exceptionally well made. Máy sản xuất nước hydro OEM

Austin Air Purifiers are tops at what they do. They contain medical grade HEPA filters, which are required to remove 99. 97% of airborne particles that are over 0. 3 microns in diameter. The powerful filter system in Austin Air Purifiers remove pollen, dust, mold spores, bacteria, viruses, pet dander, and dust mites from the air in your home. An additional carbon filter goes to work cleaning odors, toxic gases, and tobacco smoke out of the air. The way the filters are designed, they trap the pollutants, preventing them from recirculating. The result is air in your home that's far less toxic and less irritating to breathe.

When you look at reviews of home air purifiers you'll find that one of the most common consumer complaints is the high cost of replacing small filters that fill up and have to be changed every three months or so. But the filters used in Austin Air Purifiers are designed to last for five years under normal usage, and they come with a pro-rated factory guarantee. This alone makes it extremely highly rated by consumers.

The Austin brand is extremely durable too. Many new home purifiers have come onto the market in recent years, and some of them are made from materials that are not very sturdy. However, Austin are precision-built from solid steel, rather than plastic, so they are reliable and very long lasting. In addition, each unit has a high quality, non-toxic powder coat finish, and they are available in four color choices, so they will harmonize well with your home's décor. When you unpack an Austin Purifier, it is ready to use. All you do is plug it in and turn it on after unpacking. You can get them in different sizes to meet the needs of your living spaces, and the larger models are built with casters so you can move them around easily.

Another feature that people love about Austin Air is how quiet they are. Users say they can sit right next to the machine on its “Low” setting and watch television without it interfering at all. The “High” setting is a bit louder, but many people say that it makes a terrific white noise machine at night, to help them sleep more soundly while cleaning the air. The three-speed fan in Austin Air Purifiers is rated for a long life with continuous use, so you can be confident your air purifier will work hard for many years. All Austin Air Purifiers come with a five-year warranty against defects of workmanship or parts, so you can be confident of their quality. Made in the USA by the largest maker of air purifiers in the world, Austin Air Purifiers are the top choice of consumers who want the best possible product for combating indoor air pollution.

Espring Water Purifier -Should You Invest In The Espring To Improve Your Health?

The Espring water purifier is always rated as one of the top water purifiers on the market. It is one of the most popular water purifiers available today. However, just because a water purifier is popular doesn't necessarily make it the best option for your health.

There are many different types of water purifiers on the market today. Here is a consumer review to help you determine whether or not the Espring water purifier is the right option for your health.

First of all, one of the most important things you need to be aware of is that tap water is absolutely poisonous for your health. In recent studies, it has proven that there are 140 different harmful chemicals in our water supply today for which the EPA has done nothing to get rid of.

Therefore, every mouthful of water you intake, you are receiving hundreds of harmful chemicals into your body. A water purifier is essential to maintain sound health, no matter how good your eating habits may be.

One of the great things about the Espring water purifier is that it has tested to remove more than 99. 9% of the waterborne, disease ridden bacteria and viruses so often found in our water supply. This is by far one of the highest rates among water purifiers today, and this is obviously most important factor in deciding which water purifier to purchase.

Water from the Espring water Purifier is safer than tap water, it dramatically improves the taste, odor and clarity of water, and while other systems treat drinking water, Espring purifies it. เครื่องทำน้ำไฮโดรเจน OEM

Another great benefit of the Espring water purifier is that it has a high flow rate. If you aren't familiar with most traditional water purifiers, this is extremely important. There are many water purifiers on the market today that, quite simply, pour the water so slowly that you will be standing at the sink for literally several minutes just to fill a glass.

Obviously, this can be a great inconvenience. Therefore, one of the great features of the Espring water purifier is that if fills the water glass so quickly.

Also, the Espring has a very high durability rate. It has proven to treat drinking water effectively for even a family of 6 for up to one year before replacement. For most smaller families, this number will obviously be even higher.

In addition, it is very easy to install. You do not need a degree from MIT to install this onto your counter. It is easy to replace when the time comes, and it doesn't take up very much space.

The bottom line is this: the Espring water purifier always rates among the top systems available today. Many people have and continue to improve their health by utilizing one of these systems. This is a very effective water purifier at improving your health

Remember, it is absolutely vital that you purchase a water purifier to improve your health. The most important thing is, regardless of which water purifier you decide to purchase, that you make a decision and get started immediately. If you are in the market for a water purifier, the Espring water purifier should certainly be at the top of your shopping list.

What Are the Major Characteristics of a Great House Painter in Suwanee?

Are you looking for the best interior and exterior house painters for your home project? If yes, then you should know that fresh paint can transform your home and that's why you should make sure that you consider taking help of the well-experienced painters. The painters who have been working in this field from a long time should have a reputed name among the customers and this can assure you that it will be easier for you to get the best services at reasonable prices. Here you can check out major characteristics of a trusted house painter:

Good communication

When you are looking forward to hiring a house painter in Suwannee for your home painting, then you should make sure that the painter has good communication skills so that you don't have to face any issues while taking help of the expert. You must decide to enhance the quality of your project and what can be done if you can ensure proper communication with your painter.

Always on time

The painter who is punctual and can provide the best services to customers on time should be your first choice when it comes to painting your home. If your work is getting done on time, then nothing can be better than that. They don't make your project frustrating by extending the period of work but they finish it on the given time. Hampton Weatherboard House Exterior Painting

Focused on detailed work

You must focus on your work with full detailing. The people who don't want to have imperfections in their walls should only call well-known and trusted painter who can get the work done efficiently.


The best thing about the house painter in Suwanee is that he can handle multiple painting related tasks easily. Whether it is exterior painting or interior painting, they can get it done without any difficulty. You can get the best plastering, siding repair, and surface preparation if you will consider taking help of the well-known painting services.


If you want to hire well-experienced painters, then you can decide to take help of the professional house painter. It is crucial that you don't apply this paint on the go but you should hire a house painter in Suwanee who can ensure that your wall is in good condition before getting the painting done.

So, these are the things which you should consider before hiring the painter in your area. There are no chances that you will regret hiring the painter who the qualities have given above. You can take help of the online platform to find the best painter in Suwanee. You must ensure that you can get affordable services with high-quality work. There are no chances that you will regret taking the help of professional experts because they want to provide satisfaction to their customers.

Buy Home Air Purifiers To Stay Away From The Unwanted Allergens

Home is an eternal place for all and it needs to be kept in a legitimate manner and clean to be safe from all the diseases. People do a lot of things to keep their homes clean. But have you ever thought that apart from keeping your home clean you also need to keep your environment clean too? This would mean that the air we breathe in should be clean enough to be safe from any kind of health issues. Now the question arises as to how do we keep our air clean. I mean it cannot be a simple task to do so, would it? Well, the answer is yes, you can keep your air clean with an air purifier. Let us understand this in detail.

Need for an Air Purifier

There are many kinds of home air purifiers that can be installed. They help in keeping the environment clean. In case if you are allergic to certain things and the smell of a few foods makes you allergic, then there are some of the best air purifiers that can help you. All you need to do is find the right one that suits you and your surroundings. Now is the time to research on some of that can help you keep your homes clean. They are not just limited to homes and can be used in many other places such as offices, cars, and many other places.

What does it do?

Air purifiers help to remove the contamination present in the air and make it clean for fresh breathing. They are usually sold for the benefit of allergic and asthmatic patients. It helps them to stop struggling for fresh air. Since air is the most important element required for living, it should be available and that too freshly as well. It also helps in reducing the smoke and tobacco smell from the air. With the many pollutants now being present in abundance in the environment, it has become difficult to breathe a sigh of fresh air. But such air purifiers help in doing so with much ease.

How do they work?

Air filters are installed in these air purifiers which filter the air and stops dust, chemicals, pollen, smoke, asbestos, and a few more elements which are not good for the general breathing. However, you should understand the need and then find the right and the best air cleaners. Air purifiers come in various sizes and it is very important for you to install the one that can filter the entire room. It comes in sizes as per the rooms. They should have a high-quality HEPA filter to get all the allergens out. A pre-filter will ensure that all such allergens get filtered in the first stage and the remaining ones that escape the pre-filter get caught in the main filter section. OEM машина для производства водородной воды

Air cleaners are used in different environments and should be chosen as per the requirement. A misfit will not help you to purify the air as per the requirements. There are many air purifiers that come with a dehumidifier as well. A dehumidifier helps the air to capture the moisture and reduces the humidity in the air which contains a lot of microbes and mold that can be bad for the allergic patients.

All about air purifiers

A home air sterilizer is not much in demand in the regular homes. It needs to be understood that air is an essential need and should be clean in all aspects to be safe from any diseases. These days the air purifier's work wonders in most of the places. They are now being used majorly for commercial purposes to give the hospitality feel at hotels and other service related destinations. With such exposure air purifiers, have become more common for use and are being bought by the commoners for their home usage.

What to look for?

There are many marketing ads that show the air cleaners to clean the air by 99 percent which is a complete lie. No air cleanser is that efficient enough to clean the air so precisely. This is nothing but the power of the HEPA filter papers that can clean the air but to an average of 80 percent. In some cases, they can be at 90 percent too but can be expensive. There are no documented proofs available that confirm the air to be as clean as the companies state it to be. However, it will surely give you a relief from what you inhale on a regular basis. This can be determined by the patients who suffer from asthma and other allergies.

Espring Water Purifier -Should You Invest In The Espring To Improve Your Health?

The Espring water purifier is always rated as one of the top water purifiers on the market. It is one of the most popular water purifiers available today. However, just because a water purifier is popular doesn't necessarily make it the best option for your health.

There are many different types of water purifiers on the market today. Here is a consumer review to help you determine whether or not the Espring water purifier is the right option for your health.

First of all, one of the most important things you need to be aware of is that tap water is absolutely poisonous for your health. In recent studies, it has proven that there are 140 different harmful chemicals in our water supply today for which the EPA has done nothing to get rid of.

Therefore, every mouthful of water you intake, you are receiving hundreds of harmful chemicals into your body. A water purifier is essential to maintain sound health, no matter how good your eating habits may be. OEM-Wasserstoff-Wassermachermaschine

One of the great things about the Espring water purifier is that it has tested to remove more than 99. 9% of the waterborne, disease ridden bacteria and viruses so often found in our water supply. This is by far one of the highest rates among water purifiers today, and this is obviously most important factor in deciding which water purifier to purchase.

Water from the Espring water Purifier is safer than tap water, it dramatically improves the taste, odor and clarity of water, and while other systems treat drinking water, Espring purifies it.

Another great benefit of the Espring water purifier is that it has a high flow rate. If you aren't familiar with most traditional water purifiers, this is extremely important. There are many water purifiers on the market today that, quite simply, pour the water so slowly that you will be standing at the sink for literally several minutes just to fill a glass.

Obviously, this can be a great inconvenience. Therefore, one of the great features of the Espring water purifier is that if fills the water glass so quickly.

Also, the Espring has a very high durability rate. It has proven to treat drinking water effectively for even a family of 6 for up to one year before replacement. For most smaller families, this number will obviously be even higher.

In addition, it is very easy to install. You do not need a degree from MIT to install this onto your counter. It is easy to replace when the time comes, and it doesn't take up very much space.

The bottom line is this: the Espring water purifier always rates among the top systems available today. Many people have and continue to improve their health by utilizing one of these systems. This is a very effective water purifier at improving your health

Remember, it is absolutely vital that you purchase a water purifier to improve your health. The most important thing is, regardless of which water purifier you decide to purchase, that you make a decision and get started immediately. If you are in the market for a water purifier, the Espring water purifier should certainly be at the top of your shopping list.

How to Select the Best Air Purifier For Your Needs

Indoor air pollution is a serious problem. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), air pollution levels are two to five times higher indoors. In some buildings with a lack of proper ventilation, the indoor air may be 100 times more polluted than the air outside! This is because modern buildings are constructed with energy efficiency in mind. However, the tight seals that make a home energy-efficient also trap pollutants inside. On top of that, the average American takes nine out of ten breaths indoors, so it's imperative to make sure that your indoor air is free of allergens and other impurities.

Air purifiers eliminate allergens, toxic chemicals, and other dangerous pollutants. This article explains why people use air purifiers, how they work, which air purifiers you should avoid, and how to select the best air purifier for your needs.

Common Indoor Air Pollutants

What is the source of indoor air pollution? In terms of organic pollutants, mold and dust mites are everywhere – and they are the two most common causes of year-round allergic rhinitis (hay fever). Pollen is also a pervasive allergen that always finds its way into your home since it is so small and sticky. If you have pets, they will surely spread their dander to every nook and cranny of your home. Many viruses and bacteria are also airborne.

Even though they are not organic allergens, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) cause many people to experience allergic reactions and other health problems. VOCs include formaldehyde, fragrances, pesticides, solvents, and cleaning agents. VOCs can enter the air through chemical off-gassing from furniture, new carpets, adhesives, plastics, and various building materials. Furthermore, many VOCs are known carcinogens (cancer-causing agents).

Environmental contaminants like cigarette smoke, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen dioxide may also be present in your indoor air, as well as toxic heavy metals like airborne lead, mercury vapor, and radon.

How Air Purifiers Work

HEPA air purifiers use a HEPA air filter, which was developed by the Atomic Energy Commission in the 1940s as a way to filter radioactive contaminants. HEPA filters set the standard for air purifiers: to be classified as HEPA, a filter must capture a minimum of 99. 97% of pollutants at 0. 3 microns or larger. Top-selling HEPA air purifiers include the Austin Air purifier, available with a HEGA (High Efficiency Gas Adsoprtion) filter, along with air purifiers from IQAir, Allerair, Blueair, and Honeywell.

Activated carbon filters remove gases, odors, and chemical toxins. The carbon is “activated” when it is treated with oxygen, which opens up millions of tiny pores to attract and adsorb chemicals. Impregnated carbon filters have been treated with an additional chemical, normally either potassium iodide or potassium permanganate; these chemicals, known as chemisorbents, improve the carbon filter's ability to trap VOCs and other chemically reactive gases.

Electrostatic filters use an electrostatic charge to attract pollutants and trap them on collector plates. These filters are great for people who don't want to have to worry about changing HEPA filters, but if the collection plates are not cleaned frequently, they quickly lose efficiency. Also, beware that some electrostatic filters emit ozone, which is known to be a powerful lung irritant and can be very irritating to some people with asthma or allergies. The Friedrich air purifier is, by far, the best electrostatic air purifier, as well as the overall top-ranked air purifier in previous Consumer Reports rankings.

Charged media filters give pollutants an electrostatic charge before collecting them in a traditional filter. Charged media filters are typically quite effective, but like electrostatic filters, they lose efficiency rapidly-and they may require frequent and expensive filter changes. Some charged media air filter units also emit ozone. The advantage of charged media filters is that they are quieter and more energy-efficient than HEPA air purifiers. The Blueair air purifier is the best charged media filter, and it does not emit ozone.

Where and How to Use an Air Purifier

If you suffer from allergies (especially if you're allergic to dust mite allergen), then the best place for an air purifier is your bedroom. It's essential to have clean air in your bedroom because you spend about a third of your life there. Macchina per la produzione di acqua a idrogeno OEM If you're allergic to animal dander and have pets, then you may want to place an air purifier in the room where your pets spend most of their time-and keep the pets out of your bedroom! Also, you should not place an air purifier in the corner of a room; it should be at least a couple of feet away from the walls for maximum air flow.

You should run your air purifier continuously for optimum performance. Most air purifiers have high and low settings. Even if you go on vacation, we recommend that you keep your air purifier running on low. Otherwise, you'll return to a house full of polluted air! If you are concerned about your electric bill, find out how much energy an air purifier uses before buying it. Typical HEPA air purifiers can use anywhere from 50 watts on low to 200 watts on high. For comparison, a typical lamp uses about 60 watts, while a typical computer uses about 365 watts.

Air Purifiers to Avoid

Avoid ozone generators and ionizing air cleaners. These air purifiers create ions that attract pollutants; however, many of the pollutants are released back into the air, often times leading to dirty spots on nearby walls. Besides the fact that they don't do a good job of cleaning the air, ozone generators and ionizing cleaners also emit ozone. Ozone, a main component of smog, could potentially lead to a serious asthma attack.

Moreover, David Peden, researcher at the Center of Environmental Medicine and Lung Biology at the University of North Carolina, has examined how ozone exposure might exacerbate the allergic response of people who are allergic to dust mites, and his results suggest that ozone worsens the asthmatic response. The EPA has warned consumers against using ozone generators, and Consumer Reports recommends against the newest Ionic Breeze Quadra, despite the addition of OzoneGuard, a device meant to eliminate some of the dangerous ozone emitted by the Ionic Breeze.

Consumer Reports points out: “Our air-cleaning tests show that the Ionic Breeze with OzoneGuard does a poor job of removing smoke, dust and pollen particles from the air when new and after 500 hours of continuous use” and “the Ionic Breeze with OzoneGuard still adds ozone to the air. “

Espring Water Purifier -Should You Invest In The Espring To Improve Your Health?

The Espring water purifier is always rated as one of the top water purifiers on the market. It is one of the most popular water purifiers available today. However, just because a water purifier is popular doesn't necessarily make it the best option for your health.

There are many different types of water purifiers on the market today. Here is a consumer review to help you determine whether or not the Espring water purifier is the right option for your health.

First of all, one of the most important things you need to be aware of is that tap water is absolutely poisonous for your health. In recent studies, it has proven that there are 140 different harmful chemicals in our water supply today for which the EPA has done nothing to get rid of.

Therefore, every mouthful of water you intake, you are receiving hundreds of harmful chemicals into your body. A water purifier is essential to maintain sound health, no matter how good your eating habits may be.

One of the great things about the Espring water purifier is that it has tested to remove more than 99. 9% of the waterborne, disease ridden bacteria and viruses so often found in our water supply. This is by far one of the highest rates among water purifiers today, and this is obviously most important factor in deciding which water purifier to purchase.

Water from the Espring water Purifier is safer than tap water, it dramatically improves the taste, odor and clarity of water, and while other systems treat drinking water, Espring purifies it. Máquina fabricante de água de hidrogênio OEM Another great benefit of the Espring water purifier is that it has a high flow rate. If you aren't familiar with most traditional water purifiers, this is extremely important. There are many water purifiers on the market today that, quite simply, pour the water so slowly that you will be standing at the sink for literally several minutes just to fill a glass.

Obviously, this can be a great inconvenience. Therefore, one of the great features of the Espring water purifier is that if fills the water glass so quickly.

Also, the Espring has a very high durability rate. It has proven to treat drinking water effectively for even a family of 6 for up to one year before replacement. For most smaller families, this number will obviously be even higher.

In addition, it is very easy to install. You do not need a degree from MIT to install this onto your counter. It is easy to replace when the time comes, and it doesn't take up very much space.

The bottom line is this: the Espring water purifier always rates among the top systems available today. Many people have and continue to improve their health by utilizing one of these systems. This is a very effective water purifier at improving your health

Remember, it is absolutely vital that you purchase a water purifier to improve your health. The most important thing is, regardless of which water purifier you decide to purchase, that you make a decision and get started immediately. If you are in the market for a water purifier, the Espring water purifier should certainly be at the top of your shopping list.