Character idea #3: accidental scientist chasing suspense

This character was born into a middle-class family and had the opportunity to get bored. They chase a sense of unknown and disbelief, they want to be surprised.

They believe most things to be predictable. They got into mechanics, chemistry and engineering because it was a way to experiment with things, they live at the edge of the scientific discoveries of their time.

They like being a spectator of unusual things, but they derive no pleasure from other's pain. In fact, they have enough empathy to feel conflicted, sometimes, by their need for discovery and experimentation.

That's why they've decided to live most of their life in isolation, even though the big masses are a good source of unpredictability on a small scale.

Their family is mainly composed of merchants who most definitely do not understand their priorities, but they are supportive and miss them sometimes.

They like reading but they are often bored by the fact that plots are predictable and go back to the same tropes. In their mind, personal relationships are easily mapped out on a decision tree. The perfect balance of the natural world is based on causes and effect, and they sometimes resent it. They wished they were born before humans had neatly categorised everything they could find.

They are asked to help our party because of their deep scientific knowledge. They are pretty apolitical to start with, motivated only by curiosity and a need to escape dreadful boredom.

They will find themselves in the shoes of an oppressed group and experience the surprise that comes from expriencing plain injustice. Their actions will have consequences on other people.