Promises, promises...

Lawful Good: I swear on my honour, I will die before I ever break a promise I have made!

Lawful Neutral: My promise? Yes, I shall keep it. No matter what else – or who else – I need to break along the way.

Lawful Evil: The agreement has been made. I shall uphold my end of the bargain, and I shall return to ensure that you uphold yours. And you will. Of this, you can be certain.

Neutral Good: I will keep my promise if, and only if, you agree to do what is right.

True Neutral: In the end, what is a promise really, but more meaningless words? Are my actions not enough?

Neutral Evil: Promises? Promises are for fools.

Chaotic Good: Oh! Yes, I'm keeping my promise. That's definitely why I'm doing this. Wait, which part of this did I promise again?

Chaotic Neutral: I mean, sure, I promise lots of things. How was I supposed to know you were being serious about this one??

Chaotic Evil: You should have known better than to trust me.