
The real change is about keeping the right balance in all areas of your life … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

There are so many rich people that lost themselves on the path of getting rich .... and totally forget to be happy.

And i also met ordinary people that look to me so, so happy ... and i could not understand the reasons behind this happiness.

But after meditating and asking for the answer ... i finally understood that everything is related to our capacity of connecting to the present moment.

Being rich can mean nothing for the inner soul.

Being famous ... could also mean nothing.

We have so many dreams and we have this silly belief that the change ... getting all those dreams for real ... will make us happy ... but we don’t know to make the difference between our Ego and our soul.

And the Ego will never connect to the soul.

The Ego wants to dominate everything means our lives ... even the inner self .... but the happiness is not coming from the Ego, but from the soul.

We follow the path of the desires ... listening so much about what the Ego has to say ... and we forget to meditate and connect to the real us and ask ... if that is the right path?!

Probably ... real happy people ... the ones that wake up in the morning with the feeling of joy inside of them ... are the ones that keep the right balance in all areas of their lives.

And that might also mean ... keeping the right balance between the desires that comes from the Ego and the soul.

So i should say that ... following the path of desires ... does not mean that you are on the path of the correct change you really need.

Just think about it ...



Download the book ”THE ILLUSION OF CHANGE Statistic shows that we only replace a reality with a similar one” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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Do you want to save the changes?! … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

We want all kind of things, but the question is ... do we really want those changes or is just a testing wish. What if life is coming at the end of the day to ask you ... are you ok? Do you want to save the changes you just made on your life?! If you agree ... then life goes on, in a new direction. But we still wonder if it s ok or no, hoping we made the right choice. Let you heart decide the path and follow all the changes you want to see in your life.










Download the book ”Abstract love: a philosophical guide for imposible love storieswritten by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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Madame “All is perfect into my inner world” ... was always smiling ... but deep inside herself ... she was so, so lost. by the well know romanian essayist Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

There are many that somehow succeed to pretend so, so good ... covering their sadness with ... a non ending smile. Both ... men ... and women. ... but mainly women. I've ... personally ... stoped doing that. And ... i look into the mirror ... analysing that illogical sadness ... finding it useless to hide it with a smile. But ... the passing of time allowed me to see many women ... pretending they were doing ... perfect. I see them today ... too. So i smile when i ask ... “How are you today?!” ... and i hear all the time ... “Perfect”. I dare to call all of them .... Madame Perfection ... but looking deeper into their souls .... I realise how lost they are. Maybe i should ask ... one day ... “Why the hell you still bother to smile, if your soul it's so sad?”. But ... most certainly ... they would hate me if i would do that.

So i allow them to make this charade ... trying to look perfect. Sooner or later they will realise anyway they are just ... lost souls.

I would like to tell them ... something about the real truth ... but I understand it should not be wise. So ... i just watch this profiles of Madame “All is perfect into my inner world” ... and smile to them ... trying to copy the model of ... hiding my own sadness.

Download the book ”The KARMIC CHARADE spiritual & philosophical essay” written by the writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.

Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/KARMIC-CHARADE-philosophical-contradictory-spirituality-ebook/dp/B0D8W5X6JQ/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3K0EZZEN90T5G&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.WZjK7AitvBi0ygmuO54uwg.tyggYYUfRYm-UYaeHeZicpNbXgX2B-ATw9JyT10mEk0&dib_tag=se&keywords=The+KARMIC+CHARADE%3A+spiritual+%26+philosophical+essays&qid=1726560699&s=books&sprefix=the+karmic+charade+spiritual+%26+philosophical+essays%2Cstripbooks-intl-ship%2C233&sr=1-1

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Акустические панели: как они работают и зачем нужны

В современном строительстве и дизайне помещений вопрос звукоизоляции и акустического комфорта стал важным элементом для создания уютной среды. Одним из эффективных решений для борьбы с шумом и улучшения качества звука в помещении являются акустические панели. В этой статье мы подробно разберем, как работают акустические панели, для чего они нужны и как их правильно выбрать.

1. Что такое акустические панели?

Акустические панели — это специальные элементы, которые предназначены для улучшения акустики в помещении. Их основная задача — поглощение звуковых волн, уменьшение шума и эха, а также контроль над распределением звука в комнате.

Основные функции:

  • Поглощение звука, что помогает уменьшить эхо.
  • Улучшение качества звучания внутри помещения, что особенно важно для кинотеатров, студий, офисов и жилых пространств.
  • Снижение уровня шума, приходящего извне.

2. Зачем нужны акустические панели?

Акустические панели могут быть полезны в самых разных ситуациях:

2.1 В жилых помещениях В квартирах и домах акустические панели могут быть полезны для того, чтобы минимизировать шум от соседей или уличный шум, а также улучшить акустический комфорт в комнате. Панели помогают избавиться от резонанса, эха и других неприятных звуковых эффектов, которые мешают полноценному отдыху.

2.2 В офисах В офисах с открытой планировкой шум может стать серьезной проблемой, мешая концентрации и снижая производительность. Акустические панели поглощают звук и уменьшают распространение шума, что создает более комфортные условия для работы.

2.3 В студиях и кинотеатрах Для профессиональных студий звукозаписи и домашних кинотеатров качество звука играет ключевую роль. Акустические панели помогают добиться идеального звучания, устраняя эхо и контролируя распространение звуковых волн.

2.4 В общественных местах В ресторанах, кафе и конференц-залах акустические панели также находят свое применение. Они помогают создать приятную акустическую среду, которая способствует комфортному общению и снижению уровня шума.

3. Как работают акустические панели?

Акустические панели работают на принципе поглощения звуковых волн. Когда звуковая волна ударяется о панель, материал, из которого она изготовлена, поглощает часть энергии, превращая ее в тепло. Таким образом, звук, отраженный от панели, оказывается слабее, что снижает уровень шума и улучшает акустику в помещении.

Материалы для акустических панелей:

  • Минеральная вата: Обладает отличными звукоизоляционными свойствами и используется как внутри стен, так и для создания акустических панелей.
  • Поролон: Легкий материал, который эффективно поглощает звуковые волны и часто используется в студиях звукозаписи.
  • Тканевые покрытия: Многие панели покрыты специальными тканями, которые также способствуют поглощению звука и делают панели эстетически привлекательными.

4. Как выбрать акустические панели?

При выборе акустических панелей важно учитывать несколько факторов:

4.1 Назначение помещения Если вам нужны панели для студии или кинотеатра, лучше выбрать панели с высокими характеристиками по поглощению звука. Для жилых помещений можно обойтись более простыми и декоративными решениями.

4.2 Размер и форма панелей Акустические панели бывают разных размеров и форм. Некоторые из них предназначены для размещения на стенах, другие — для потолков. Важно правильно рассчитать количество панелей и их расположение, чтобы добиться максимальной эффективности.

4.3 Внешний вид Сегодня акустические панели могут быть не только функциональными, но и декоративными. Многие производители предлагают панели с различными текстурами, цветами и рисунками, которые легко вписываются в интерьер.

4.4 Уровень поглощения звука Каждая панель имеет свой коэффициент звукопоглощения (NRC). Чем выше этот коэффициент, тем больше звука поглощает панель. Для помещений с высокими требованиями к акустике лучше выбирать панели с высоким NRC.

5. Преимущества использования акустических панелей

Использование акустических панелей приносит множество преимуществ:
  • Улучшение акустического комфорта: Панели поглощают шум и улучшают звучание в помещении.
  • Эстетическая привлекательность: Многие акустические панели выглядят стильно и могут стать украшением интерьера.
  • Простота установки: Установка акустических панелей не требует сложных монтажных работ, что делает их доступными для самостоятельного использования.
  • Многофункциональность: Они подходят для различных типов помещений — от офисов до домашних кинотеатров.
Акустические панели — это эффективное и простое решение для улучшения звукового комфорта в любом помещении. Благодаря разнообразию материалов, форм и дизайнов, они могут стать не только функциональным элементом, но и украшением интерьера. Если вам важно качество звука и комфортная акустическая среда, стоит рассмотреть возможность установки акустических панелей в вашем доме, офисе или студии.

And one day we realise we have the fundamental right to totally disconnect from people which lost the control on themselves ... ...by romanian author Adrian Dumitru

Long time before ... i met a man which had wife ... with serious mental problems. The funny thing was that everything ... just happened randomly. And ... without no real reason ... 3-4 days all was nice ... calm ... and then the wife simple lost control on herself. He was ... desperate. His whole existence became ... a hell ... and could not understand why he needed to have this nightmare reality. I was talking to him. ... few times. And he had an interesting question for myself ... “Do i have the right.... in those circumstances ... to have a parallel life which not involves my wife?!” I've smiled to him. ... saying ... “Yes”. You see ... i was always ... immoral.

In fact ... more precisely ... acting immoral. ... but i saw it differently. I knew that if my real life is not what i want ... i have the right of a parallel reality. And ... i saw that as ... a fundamental right. Somehow ... the Universe is playing around with us. ... with our minds. Maybe ... even with our souls. I know we have all those laws of morality ... but to survive ... we just need ... a magic pill. One ... which can make us feel alive ... at least for a short moment ... and totally forget the real life ... which looks like a real hell. So ... disconnecting from all ... and connect to the beautiful vibes of a totally different reality ... is a fundamental right. And ... it is not immoral. No ...

Cause ... life needs to be .... at least nice ... if not beautiful ... And if people around us ... losing control on themselves ... simple ruin all ... we don't need to remain stuck with them ... in that story. Maybe that is the whole meaning of negativity ... to whisper to us ... when we need to disconnect from reality ... and chase the connection with totally different energies....

Download the book ”DISCONNECTING ... seen as un amazing trick for a beautiful life philosophical & spiritual essays” written by the romanian writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.

Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/DISCONNECTING-seen-amazing-trick-beautiful-ebook/dp/B0DFQJXZ3D/ref=sr_1_56?crid=O5DE3OIIBU3Y&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.emLw8DTnC4rP5P-HI0y4LYxDBZTAtRsy5p1BMmAZifKJ-4TJ2A5fZ7CbowvnJwqRYlVeuSUF9tsFCifBvmpz0-KOGcBVn1hgrguACzoGiSHyGVvnLMyVYAjWaHmlIYYpd3lW6US2QlkDpue65kwNUGNTwtYkqi8My2T-Nplkx-s.fYKCaEcFDuj-92N0YhwQl9P4uqtdAPvszxEC-U81lOc&dib_tag=se&keywords=adrian+gabriel+dumitru&qid=1726480317&s=books&sprefix=adrian+gabriel+dumitru%2Cstripbooks-intl-ship%2C195&sr=1-56

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Apple Books – https://books.apple.com/ro/book/disconnecting/id6657977255

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The contemporary women need idiots with money .... to solve their needs and desires … by the well know romanian author Adrian Dumitru

But not all wealthy men... are idiots.

And even if they can pretend they are idiots can't tolerate doing that for long time.


Into the end all becomes ... a charade.

Yes ... looking like ... something romantic.

... but being just an illusion.

Well ... truth be told women chase for wealthy men.

And men ... for gorgeous women.

We see today ... lots of couples like that.

... the wealthy man ... into the company of a gorgeous woman.

Everyone ... envies them.

.... wanting to be character in such a love story.


But ... are those stories which we see in social media ... realistic?!

Or all is just .... a crap?!

Well ... i trend to believe it is actually a form of contemporary


... a new standard.

In fact .... a new standard for love stories ... whispering us that only wealthy men and gorgeous women can enjoy the beauty of love.


I personally trend to believe that all those beautiful women simple need a prince .... to accomplish all their dreams and desires.

... and nothing more.

So ..: the story itself becomes more about money ... than about love.

And ... we need to stop hiding this obvious truths.


No matter how ridiculous .... it sounds ....


Download the book ”What do you want?!

philosophical essays” written by the romanian writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.


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In today’s fast-paced world, achieving balance between health and beauty can feel challenging. At Body Lounge Park Cities, we offer a unique combination of medical science, personalized wellness care, and cutting-edge aesthetic treatments. Located in the heart of Dallas, our mission is simple: to help you feel and look your absolute best. From enhancing your natural beauty with Botox to revitalizing your body through PRP and Exosome treatments, Body Lounge is your final destination for wellness and rejuvenation.

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5 Popular Internet Style Mistakes Little Companies Make

Creating a website isn't almost getting some images and phrases online. It's like building a house. You'll need a stable base, an excellent structure, and an eye fixed for style to produce it stand out. Let us break down the secret of web site style and progress, so you can understand what it takes to produce a truly amazing on the web space Web Design Services for Small Business.

The Significance of Individual Experience (UX) Individual experience, or UX, is about how guests experience when they use your site. If your web site is puzzling or gradual, consumers may leave quicker than you are able to claim “reversal rate.” Think of it like an agreeable neighborhood. If it's inviting and easy to steer, people may take more time in it.

To create a great UX, hold your style clean and easy to use. Use easy navigation menus so people will find what they require without finding lost. Also, pace is key! A quick web site maintains guests happy and encourages them to investigate more.

Sensitive Style: Don't Leave Portable Customers Behind In today's world, everybody's on the phones. If your site isn't mobile-friendly, you are missing out large time. Sensitive style makes certain your web site looks great on any monitor measurement, whether on a huge computer or a tiny smartphone.

Imagine trying to learn a book with tiny text and no pictures. Frustrating, correct? The same moves for a website that does not conform to different devices. A receptive style assures that your content is simple to learn and steer, irrespective of how guests accessibility it.

Content is Master: Quality Over Quantity As it pertains to sites, content is everything. But it's not only about filling up place with words. Quality content maintains consumers employed and helps with your site's search engine ranking. Think of content like a delightful meal; if it's not grilled properly, no body will want to return for moments!

Use clear, engaging language and split up text with headings and images. It will help hold viewers involved and makes information easier to digest. Always ask yourself, “Does that offer price to my market?” If the solution is no, it might be time and energy to revise.

SEO: Your Website's Most useful Buddy Search Motor Optimization, or SEO, helps your web site get discovered online. It's like planting seeds in a yard; the better you take care of them, the more they grow. Focus on keyword research to find what phrases and phrases folks are looking for related to your business.

Use these keywords normally in your content, brands, and headings. But do not material your publishing with keywords. Like an excessive amount of salt in a plate, it can damage the flavor and make it less enjoyable. Incorporate them easily so your publishing remains engaging while however desirable to locate engines.

The Power of Images: Providing Your Internet site to Living Individuals are aesthetic creatures. We remember images better than text alone. Adding top quality looks in to your web site will make a huge difference. Eye-catching images, videos, and graphics may grab interest and explain complex some ideas more clearly.

Nevertheless, it's crucial to utilize looks wisely. They will enhance your content, not distract from it. Always ensure images are properly sized to keep your site running fast. A web site that looks excellent and is useful is a successful combination.

Developing for the Potential: Scalability Issues As your business grows, your web site should develop with it. Preparing for scalability means thinking ahead and deciding on the best resources and programs that will expand with your needs. Just like you wouldn't construct a tiny home if you plan to really have a large family, your web site should be developed to take care of more guests, pages, and features around time.

Buying a web site that will modify assures you won't have to begin from scratch down the line. Always keep in mind what you might need as time goes by, and incorporate those things during the style and progress stages.

Conclusion: Your Internet site, Your Digital Home Planning and building a website is an exciting journey. With consumer experience, receptive style, quality content, SEO, looks, and scalability at heart, you're set to produce a electronic home that welcomes guests with open arms. Recall, it's about designing an experience that maintains consumers finding its way back for more. So roll up your sleeves and begin creating! Your on the web existence awaits.

How Defensive Driving Can Lower Auto Insurance Quotes

Vehicle insurance estimates are estimates given by insurance businesses on the basis of the data you give about yourself, your car or truck, and your operating history. These estimates give you a concept of how much you would need to purchase a particular insurance policy. Quotes can vary significantly between insurers, as each organization employs various requirements to evaluate chance and determine the premium. The procedure to getting a quote is usually free and can be carried out on line, over the telephone, or in person.

Facets That Impact Vehicle Insurance Estimates Many factors affect the car insurance estimate you receive. Your operating record plays an important position, as people who have clear operating files generally obtain decrease quotes compared to individuals with accidents or violations. Different essential factors include your age, area, type of vehicle, and how often you drive. Insurance companies also contemplate your credit rating in a few states, as reports display a correlation between credit record and the likelihood of filing claims. These mixed facets help insurers evaluate your chance level and calculate a suitable premium.

Forms of Insurance Choices Automobile insurance estimates typically reveal different levels of coverage. The absolute most fundamental is liability coverage, that will be needed by law in many states and covers injury you trigger to other folks or home in an accident. Extra protection options like collision and comprehensive insurance can protect harm to your vehicle, irrespective of problem or the type of incident, such as for instance theft or organic disasters. Uninsured motorist coverage can be an alternative to guard cheapest full coverage insurance if you're attack with a driver without insurance. Each of these protection types will effect the ultimate quote.

Researching Car Insurance Estimates It's vital that you examine quotes from multiple insurance businesses to make sure you are finding the most effective deal. No two businesses use exactly the same system to estimate prices, so one business might offer you a lower advanced than still another for similar coverage. When you compare quotes, make sure the protection restricts and deductibles are consistent, so you're creating an apples-to-apples comparison. Many on line instruments allow it to be an easy task to examine multiple quotes simultaneously, helping you make a more informed decision.

How to Lower Your Automobile Insurance Estimate There are numerous methods to cut back your car insurance offer without compromising coverage. Bundling procedures, such as vehicle and home insurance, with the exact same provider may usually lead to discounts. Maintaining a clear operating record and increasing your credit report can also reduce your premiums over time. Additionally, choosing a larger deductible— the amount you pay out of wallet before insurance shoes in— may result in less quote. Several insurers also provide reductions for finishing defensive operating classes and for having particular security characteristics in your vehicle.

The Importance of Appropriate Information When requesting an auto insurance estimate, it's important to provide correct and up-to-date information. If the information you offer differs from what the insurer sees all through underwriting, the last advanced might be larger compared to original quote. Sometimes, misinformation may even end up in your policy being canceled. Therefore, make sure to give correct details about your vehicle, operating history, and different personal facets to prevent any shocks when your policy goes into effect.

How to Get Cheap Auto Insurance Quotes Without Compromising Coverage

Car insurance estimates are estimates supplied by insurance businesses based on the information you give about your self, your automobile, and your operating history. These quotes give you a concept of just how much you would have to pay for a certain insurance policy. Estimates may vary considerably between insurers, as each company uses different requirements to examine chance and determine the premium. The process of having a offer is typically free and can be done on the web, around the phone, or in person.

Factors That Influence Auto Insurance Quotes A few factors affect the car insurance quote you receive. Your driving record represents a major role, as people who have clear driving documents on average get decrease quotes compared to those with incidents or violations. Different important factors include your age, place, kind of car, and how often you drive. Insurance organizations also consider your credit rating in a few states, as reports show a relationship between credit history and the likelihood of processing claims. These combined facets help insurers examine your risk level and calculate an appropriate premium.

Types of Insurance Possibilities Vehicle insurance estimates generally reveal different degrees of coverage. Probably the most simple is responsibility protection, which will be required by legislation in many claims and covers damage you trigger to other folks or property in a accident. Extra protection alternatives like collision and comprehensive insurance can cover damage to your vehicle, aside from fault or the kind of incident, such as for is progressive insurance good robbery or organic disasters. Uninsured motorist coverage can be an alternative to safeguard you if you're attack by way of a driver without insurance. Each of these protection types can impact the final quote.

Evaluating Automobile Insurance Estimates It's important to assess quotes from numerous insurance organizations to make sure you're finding the most effective deal. No two organizations use exactly the same method to estimate rates, therefore one company might offer you a much lower premium than yet another for similar coverage. When you compare quotes, make certain the insurance limits and deductibles are consistent, therefore you are creating an apples-to-apples comparison. Many on line methods ensure it is an easy task to evaluate multiple estimates at once, helping you make a more informed decision.

How to Lower Your Auto Insurance Offer There are several ways to lessen your car insurance estimate without sacrificing coverage. Bundling policies, such as for instance car and house insurance, with the exact same company may frequently lead to discounts. Maintaining a clean driving report and improving your credit score also can lower your premiums around time. Also, choosing a higher deductible— the amount you pay out of wallet before insurance shoes in— can lead to a lower quote. Many insurers also offer reductions for completing defensive operating classes or for having particular safety characteristics in your vehicle.

The Significance of Precise Data When requesting an automobile insurance estimate, it's important to supply correct and up-to-date information. If the data you give is different from what the insurer finds all through underwriting, the final advanced might be larger than the original quote. In some cases, misinformation could even end in your plan being canceled. Therefore, make sure to offer appropriate factual statements about your car or truck, operating record, and other personal factors in order to avoid any surprises when your policy adopts effect.