Full Circle

Well, courtesy of the rat-lickers of the west—people apparently comfortable with increasing piles of bodies so long as they don't get personally inconvenienced—COVID-19, which blew up here in Wuhan, catching a city larger than New York completely unawares and started spreading sickness and death, has returned. I once again face the prospect of lockdown and terror because nearly a billion selfish asshats decided that TEH EKKONEMEEE was more important than human life, ironically destroying their own economies in the process of extinguishing each others' lives.

The notice

From an official Hubei government posting we get the following (full text and bad translation courtesy of Baidu Translate appended at the end of this post):

After this each individual case is discussed including source of infection (in case of infected family members) and origin of each as well.

Further, the areas the training course's students are known/expected to have interacted in are cited for all three days of the course and people living in those areas are locked down pending testing.

What you can glean

First, contrary to all the verbiage in western press about the “opacity” of Chinese governments, there's not a single western government I've seen that's even close to the transparency surrounding this outbreak. Each case is identified by where the spread likely occurred, which neighbourhoods/locales are impacted by it, and even where the people still remaining in Wuhan currently reside. And this is posted in a public notice for anybody to read.

This means that if you're in one of the impacted areas, you know if you're at risk and can take appropriate measures. So while I have creeping terror at another outbreak in Wuhan that infects and kills thousands like the last one, that is a purely emotional reaction caused by the impact of a lockdown back when we knew nothing about this disease and what was going on.

In reality, however, though I am somewhat afraid, the calm professionalism, the open transparency, and the detailed information provided settle my nerves enough that I'm experiencing mild trepidation instead of stark terror. Unlike my family in Canada I'm confident that this outbreak will be squelched before it reaches three digits cases, likely before it even cracks the half-way mark in two digits. I can go to work with heightened countermeasures (mostly scanning in and out of places again) and not have to worry about loss of income, loss of health, or loss of life.

And the major point

Note the alacrity and thoroughness of this response. The first case was identified on February 21. Immediate contacts were traced and tested on the same day. Contact tracing and locale tracing were performed on the same day, going back to the 17th when all the students arrived. Lockdowns in the impacted neighbourhoods and locales were started on the next day.

For “only” 10 (known) cases the city mobilized resources and stomped down hard on where the virus could have been. Testing is being done en masse in the impacted areas, and the unfortunates who live/work in them are being inconvenienced for enough time to ensure they're not infected. The rest of us are carrying on with our usual days with only minor inconveniences like spending a few extra seconds to get on and off public transit. (We were already wearing masks.)

THIS is why all the “Zero COVID strategies won't work because they're too expensive” arguments made by the western press (especially that shit rag Bloomberg) are just flat-out wrong. The cost to China of losing 1 in 356 of its citizens would be, in the Chinese view, far more expensive.

The original text plus bad computer translation

武汉市新增10例新冠病毒核酸检测阳性感染者的情况通报 Notification of 10 new cases of COVID-19 nucleic acid positive infection in Wuhan

大楚网 Da Chu net

今天(2月22日)下午 This afternoon (February 22)

武汉市召开新闻发布会通报武汉市最新疫情情况以下是发布会详情 Press conference held in Wuhan report the latest epidemic situation in Wuhan. Here are the details of the press conference

2月21日22时至2月22日12时,我市新增新冠病毒核酸检测阳性感染者10例。至此,全市累计报告新冠肺炎确诊病例和感染者14例,分布在6个区,其中4例为外地来汉人员。所有确诊病例和感染者均及时转运至武汉市金银潭医院隔离诊治。 From 22 hours in February 21st to 12 hours in February 22nd, 10 new cases of COVID-19 nucleic acid positive infection were detected in our city. So far, novel coronavirus pneumonia confirmed cases and 14 cases were reported in the city, distributed in 6 districts, 4 of which were from Han nationality. All confirmed cases and infected persons were promptly transferred to Wuhan Jinyintan hospital for isolation and treatment.

14例确诊病例和感染者中,13例均为某公司培训班学员,1例为某学员的家人。此培训班的培训时间为2月18日至20日,地点设在武昌区凯莱熙酒店和江岸区华清园小区内,共有66名学员参加,其中24人已离汉,武汉市已向所涉省市发出协查函,在汉人员均已采取隔离管控措施。 Among the 14 confirmed cases and infected persons, 13 cases were trainees of a training course of a company, and 1 case was the family of a trainee. The training time of this training course is from February 18 to 20. It is located in kailaixi hotel in Wuchang District and Huaqingyuan community in Jiang'an District. A total of 66 trainees participated, of which 24 have left Han. Wuhan has sent a letter of assistance to the provinces and cities involved, and the personnel in Han have taken isolation and control measures.

2月21日下午,我市发现本次疫情阳性病例后,立即启动应急响应机制,全面开展流行病学调查、相关人员排查、采样检测和隔离管控,落实相关场所及环境消杀等防疫措施。 On the afternoon of February 21, after finding the positive cases of the epidemic, our city immediately started the emergency response mechanism, comprehensively carried out epidemiological investigation, investigation of relevant personnel, sampling and testing, isolation and control, and implemented epidemic prevention measures such as killing in relevant places and environment.

现将14例新冠肺炎确诊病例和感染者有关情况及活动场所通报如下: 14 cases of novel coronavirus pneumonia confirmed and the situation and venue of the infected persons are notified as follows:

病例1:外地来汉参加培训人员,系因返乡需求主动核酸检测发现,核酸检测阳性,确诊为新冠肺炎轻型。 Case 1: novel coronavirus pneumonia was diagnosed as a new crown pneumonia with the active nucleic acid test found in the Han Chinese training staff.

病例2:外地来汉参加培训人员,系因返乡需求主动核酸检测发现,核酸检测阳性,确诊为新冠肺炎轻型。 Case 2: novel coronavirus pneumonia was diagnosed as a new crown pneumonia with the active nucleic acid test found in the Han Chinese training staff.

病例3:外地来汉参加培训人员,系因返乡需求主动核酸检测发现,核酸检测阳性,确诊为新冠肺炎轻型。 Case 3: novel coronavirus pneumonia was diagnosed as a new crown pneumonia with the active nucleic acid test found in the Han Chinese training staff.

病例4:培训班学员,现居住于我市江岸区后湖大道同鑫花园,在密切接触者排查中核酸检测阳性,确诊为新冠肺炎普通型。 Case 4: novel coronavirus pneumonia is now in the Tongxin garden, the rear area of Jianghu district.

感染者1:培训班学员,现居住于我市东湖高新区关东街光谷坐标城,工作单位在现代光谷世贸中心,在密切接触者排查中核酸检测阳性。专家正在做进一步诊断。 Infected person 1: the trainees of the training course now live in Guanggu coordinate city, Guandong street, Donghu high tech Zone, our city. Their work unit is in modern Guanggu World Trade Center. They have tested positive for nucleic acid in the screening of close contacts. Experts are making further diagnosis.

感染者2:培训班学员,现居住于我市武昌区积玉桥街道凤凰城社区华润置地凤凰城,在密切接触者排查中核酸检测阳性。专家正在做进一步诊断。 Infected person 2: the trainee of the training course now lives in Phoenix City, China Resources Land, Phoenix community, Jiyuqiao street, Wuchang District, our city. The nucleic acid test is positive in the screening of close contacts. Experts are making further diagnosis.

感染者3:培训班学员,现居住于我市洪山区青菱渔场小区,在密切接触者排查中核酸检测阳性。专家正在做进一步诊断。 Infected person 3: the trainee of the training course now lives in Qingling fishing ground community, Hongshan District, our city, and the nucleic acid test is positive in the screening of close contacts. Experts are making further diagnosis.

感染者4:培训班学员,现居住于我市汉阳区洲头街建港瑶琦园,在密切接触者排查中核酸检测阳性。专家正在做进一步诊断。 Infected person 4: the trainee of the training course now lives in Jiangang Yaoqi garden, Zhoutou street, Hanyang District, our city. The nucleic acid test is positive in the screening of close contacts. Experts are making further diagnosis.

感染者5:培训班学员,现居住于我市硚口区易家街道竹叶海嘉园,在密切接触者排查中核酸检测阳性。专家正在做进一步诊断。 Infected person 5: the trainees of the training course now live in zhuyehaijiayuan, Yijia street, Qiaokou District, our city. The nucleic acid test is positive in the screening of close contacts. Experts are making further diagnosis.

感染者6:培训班学员,现居住于我市洪山区珞南街岭秀华庭,工作单位为位于东西湖武汉客厅某乳制品公司,在密切接触者排查中核酸检测阳性。专家正在做进一步诊断。 Infected person 6: the trainees of the training course now live in lingxiuhuating, Luonan street, Hongshan District, our city. Their work unit is a dairy company located in Wuhan living room of Dongxihu lake. They have tested positive for nucleic acid in the screening of close contacts. Experts are making further diagnosis.

感染者7:培训班学员,现居住于我市江岸区融玺公馆,在密切接触者排查中核酸检测阳性。专家正在做进一步诊断。 Infected person 7: the trainee of the training course, who now lives in Rongxi residence, Jiang'an District, our city, has tested positive for nucleic acid in the screening of close contacts. Experts are making further diagnosis.

感染者8:现居住于我市江岸区后湖大道同鑫花园,为病例4的公公,在密切接触者排查中核酸检测阳性。专家正在做进一步诊断。 Infected person 8: now living in Tongxin garden, Houhu Avenue, Jiang'an District, the father-in-law of case 4. The nucleic acid test was positive in the screening of close contacts. Experts are making further diagnosis.

感染者9:培训班学员,现居住于我市江岸区后湖大道同鑫花园,为病例4的丈夫,在密切接触者排查中核酸检测阳性。专家正在做进一步诊断。 Infected person 9: the trainee of the training course, now living in Tongxin garden, Houhu Avenue, Jiang'an District, our city, is the husband of case 4, and the nucleic acid test is positive in the screening of close contacts. Experts are making further diagnosis.

感染者10:外地来汉参加培训人员,在密切接触者排查中核酸检测阳性。专家正在做进一步诊断。 Infected person 10: those who come to China from other places to participate in training have tested positive for nucleic acid in the screening of close contacts. Experts are making further diagnosis.

汇总上述病例近期活动场所,主要涉及以下点位: Summarize the recent activity places of the above cases, mainly involving the following points:

2月17日:天河机场,武汉火车站,凯莱熙酒店(武昌区户部巷店),户部巷,书亦烧仙草(中华路店),漫U餐吧,江岸区华清园,三阳路董厨,安庆水饺(三阳路店),老宅藕香(黄鹤楼店),东湖高新区保利时代天悦,五彩美育(后湖五路),昙华林屈臣氏店,昙华林胡桃里。 February 17: Tianhe Airport, Wuhan railway station, kailaixi Hotel (hubuxiang store in Wuchang District), hubuxiang, shuyishaoxiancao (Zhonghua Road store), man u food bar, Huaqingyuan in Jiang'an District, Dong Chu on Sanyang Road, Anqing dumplings (Sanyang Road store), Ouxiang in Laozhai (Huanghelou store), poly era Tianyue in East Lake high tech Zone, colorful aesthetic education (Houhu fifth road), Tanhualin Watsons store, Tanhualin walnut.

2月18日:凯莱熙酒店(武昌区户部巷店),江岸区华清园,汉口城市广场肯德基,大智路虾皇吉庆街旗舰店,安庆水饺(三阳路店),老宅藕香(黄鹤楼店),东湖高新区保利时代天悦,江汉区M+蛙来哒,如新生活形象点专卖店和同一层瑞幸咖啡店,肯德基(中南路店),中南三路武南村南门培训机构,乔登美语幼儿园,世博园小区,华清园胡记早餐店、汉阳区复地翠微新城及小区旁798便利店、银泰创意城9楼来菜湖北头牌藕汤饭店、超级猩猩健身房(银泰店)、凯莱熙酒店对面的明家便利店。 February 18: kailaixi Hotel (Hubu Lane store in Wuchang District), Huaqingyuan, Jiangan District, Hankou city square, KFC, xiahuang Jiqing Street flagship store on Dazhi Road, Anqing dumplings (Sanyang Road store), Laozhai Ouxiang (Yellow Crane Tower store), poly era Tianyue in East Lake high tech Zone, M + frog laida in Jianghan District, Nu Skin life image point store and Ruixing coffee shop on the same floor, KFC (Zhongnan Road store), South Gate training institution of Wunan village, Zhongnan 3rd road, Qiaodeng American language kindergarten, World Expo Garden community, Huaqingyuan huti breakfast shop, Fudi Cuiwei new town and 798 convenience store next to the community in Hanyang District, Laicai Hubei top brand lotus soup Hotel on the 9th floor of Yintai creative City, super orangutan gym (Yintai store), Mingjia convenience store opposite kailaixi hotel.

2月19日:凯莱熙酒店(武昌区户部巷店),酒店旁徐唐氏热干面、东湖高新区保利时代天悦,粮道街赵师傅早点铺,凯莱熙酒店附近灌汤包子铺,甘记凤爪王烧烤(粮道街店),户部巷金明小吃店,五彩美育(后湖五路)。 February 19: kailaixi Hotel (Hubu Lane store in Wuchang District), Xu Tang's hot and dry noodles next to the hotel, poly era Tianyue in East Lake high tech Zone, master Zhao's breakfast shop in Liangdao street, Guantang steamed stuffed bun shop near kailaixi Hotel, Ganji Fengzhao Wang barbecue (Liangdao Street store), Jinming snack bar in Hubu lane, colorful aesthetic education (Houhu fifth road).

2月20日:凯莱熙酒店(武昌区户部巷店),酒店旁特色生煎、湖北省中医院花园山院区,武昌区凤爪王烧烤粮道街店,东湖高新区保利时代天悦,武昌区天天红油赵师傅热干面,武昌火车站,光谷天地,大唐沐足(凤凰山店),粮道街赵师傅早点铺,宜家必胜客,乔登美语幼儿园,花桥一村菜场。 February 20: kailaixi Hotel (hubuxiang store in Wuchang District), featured fried rice beside the hotel, huayuanshan Hospital of Hubei Provincial Hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, fengzhaowang barbecue Liangdao Street store in Wuchang District, poly era Tianyue in East Lake high tech Zone, hot and dry noodles made by master Zhao in Hongyou every day in Wuchang District, Wuchang railway station, Guanggu Tiandi, Datang Muzu (Fenghuangshan store), breakfast shop made by master Zhao in Liangdao street, IKEA pizza hut, Jordan American language kindergarten, Huaqiao village vegetable market.

2月21日:凯莱熙酒店(武昌区户部巷店),江岸区华清园,汉口城市广场肯德基,星巴克三阳路店、花园道店,超级猩猩健身房(花园道店),湖北省中医院花园山院区,现代光谷世贸中心园区食堂3+2店,武汉市第七医院,户部巷步行街面筋店、五谷渔粉、徐嫂糊汤粉和知秋咖啡店,普爱医院西院区,王府水饺(凯德西城店),焦本味餐厅和咖啡厅(东西湖区武汉客厅),新荣村菜市场,汪玉霞(百步亭店),乔登美语幼儿园,长航医院,徐东中冶南方大厦,三阳路江城黑皮牛肉面店,万松园王氏华华面。 February 21: kailaixi Hotel (Hubu Lane store in Wuchang District), Huaqing garden in Jiang'an District, KFC in Hankou city square, Starbucks Sanyang Road store, huayuandao store, super orangutan gym (huayuandao store), huayuanshan Hospital of Hubei Provincial Hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, canteen 3 + 2 store in Modern Optics Valley World Trade Center Park, Wuhan seventh hospital, Hubu Lane pedestrian street gluten store, Wugu fishing powder Sister Xu's paste soup powder and Zhiqiu coffee shop, Western Hospital of puai hospital, Wangfu dumplings (Kaide Xicheng store), jiaobenwei restaurant and coffee shop (Wuhan living room in Dongxihu District), Xinrong village vegetable market, Wang Yuxia (Baibuting store), Qiaodeng American language kindergarten, Changhang hospital, Xudong MCC south building, Jiangyang road Jiangcheng Black Beef noodle shop, wansongyuan Wang's HuaMian.

请与上述病例在同一场合、同一时段有交集或接触的人员,立即向居住地社区(村)、单位(或居住的酒店)主动报告,积极配合落实相关管控措施。 Please report to the community (Village), unit (or hotel) where you live and actively cooperate with the implementation of relevant control measures.

同时,请广大市民坚持严格做好个人防护,科学佩戴口罩,不聚集,不扎堆,勤洗手,多通风,保持一米以上安全社交距离。如出现发热、咳嗽、腹泻等症状,应做好防护措施,避免乘坐公共交通工具,尽快到就近的医疗机构发热门诊就诊。 At the same time, please insist on strict personal protection, wear masks scientifically, do not gather, do not get together, wash hands frequently, have more ventilation, and maintain a safe social distance of more than one meter. In case of fever, cough, diarrhea and other symptoms, protective measures should be taken to avoid taking public transport, and go to the fever clinic of the nearest medical institution as soon as possible.

武汉市新冠肺炎疫情防控指挥部 Wuhan novel coronavirus pneumonia prevention command headquarters

2022年2月22日 February 22, 2022
