Good News, Everybody: COVID-19 is Over!

That's what you hear all over the place from Americans (and others, but I'll focus on the USA here because otherwise this will get far too long). All over social media people bray the mantra “COVID-19 is over!”. In American media they don't quite put it in those words, but they show that they consider it to be over in how little they report on it, not to mention the death cult media (a.k.a twee names like “Fox” or “OAN” or their ilk) that actively trumpet how COVID-19 is just not a thing any longer.

Which is damned peculiar.

But let's start with a history lesson first before we address how “over” COVID-19 is, shall we?

A history lesson

The USA entered WWII officially on 1941-12-07 and fought in it until 1945-09-02. Over those 1365 days, it lost 419,400 troops and civilians to the war. That's an average, over those 3 years, 8 months, and 26 days of approximately 307 deaths per day. This represents approximately 0.00022% of the 1945 national population each and every day.

The war ended in 1945. It is currently 2022. In the nearly 77 years since that war, the people who died in it are (rightly!) remembered for their sacrifice and mourned for their absence. There are not one, but TWO national holidays dedicated at least in part to the people dead of that war. It is a major source of cultural trauma that resonates to this day.

So what does this have to do with COVID-19?

Daily COVID-19 deaths in the USA, 2022-06-21 to 2022-07-21

Quite a bit. In the past month of “COVID-19 is over!” the daily death rate to COVID-19 has ranged between a low of 255 and a high of 528, averaging somewhere, eyeballing that graph, between 390 to 400.



The “over” COVID-19 is currently killing people off at a rate higher than WORLD WAR II! And true, that rate (call it 400 for ease of calculation) is “only” about 0.00011% of the current American population, but still, 0.00022% is cause for commemoration three quarters of a century later, while half that is “meh”?

COVID-19 is far from over

COVID-19 is not “over”. It's killing 400 Americans per day alone, which puts it in the same league as, and I can't stress this enough, WORLD WAR II! And this is during a lull in the deaths. In January of 2022 it was averaging about 2000 deaths per day (and the January before that it was averaging about 2800).

All we need is another new strain, perhaps one that's vaccine resistant, for that number to go shooting through the roof again.

So the take-home message here is COVID-19 is deadlier than WWII to Americans.

And it's still going strong.

The grim future

The USA was in WWII for 3 years, 8 months, and 26 days. Day by day, on average, it lost over 300 people. COVID-19 has been with us formally (dating from the Wuhan Lockdown of 2020) for 2 years, 5 months, and 9 days. And the period of it being “over” kills more daily than the average of WWII.

Even scarier, since the death rates of both events are not constant, the actual average daily death rate of COVID-19 (deaths divided by days) is 1130. Which is is almost 4 times higher than WWII's.

And since it's not actually over, that number will only continue to rise, day by day, increasing with each new strain generated in the viral breeding factory given the odd name “The United States of America”. When 3 years, 8 months, and 26 days arrives, COVID-19 will still be killing Americans faster than WWII did.

Do you think there will be national days of commemoration set aside for these victims of western ignorance, hubris, and death worship?