W17: soldering the tiniest of the tiny

All the electronic components are here! I used aerkiaga/fluidics to 3D-print three boards out of ABS. Unfortunately, my printer can't add copper vias, so it's basically a matter of putting components in place, then soldering them on the other side, connecting them with tiny wires. Gross, but it works. So far I've made:

... one of the components is in a tiny QFN form factor chip that I still don't feel confident enough to put my soldering iron on. I soldered something that small before, but ended up overheating it (plus I bent or ripped a few pins and then dipped the whole thing in a non-electronics-safe cleaning bath... yeah...).

I've sent a couple more PRs to Avogadro 2:

I'm also learning to make biomolecular simulations using GROMACS. No new use-cases of that knowledge for now, but I hope to do something about this in the near future ;)