The four main threats for human rights and staying alive of today's species on earth
The rich and powerful heat the war against the poor and dependent.
- Climate injustice
- Surveillance
- Human rights activist, emancipative, self-empowered, self-empowering groups are split
- Capitalism as a religion
1. Climate injustice
We burn the planet. While we are desperately arguing and pleading for measures to be taken to avoid the worst, as science demands for decades and centuries now, the rich and powerful deny the urge and those measures. They continue to use the resources of the earth to further exploit the poor and dependent life and the planet, and will not share the fate of the majority of life. They are already building their resorts. This has started some decades ago and becomes more obvious every day.
2. Surveillance
During the era of industrialization, many workers were needed. The only way to force them was by physical violence, e.g. by military and police. It was cheaper to make them want to work for higher goods (»freedom«, human rights, their own good, solidary societies, social transfer, the family of colleagues, ...)
Now, being much digitalized, repression and direct slavery make sense economically again. Not only is the machine a better worker, but it's a willing and cheap soldier and slave custodian too. And promoting fascism makes us fear, which is a means to rule us, and maybe develops some human material they might need to control their dystopian future society.
3. Human rights activist, emancipative, self-empowered, self-empowering groups are split
I don't talk about the reactionary, right-wing »opposition« that is occupying room in streets, culture, and activism the leftists had been populating for decades. That's a problem. But the main problem is in my mind that human rights lovers are divided into split groups (think of the liberation fighters' groups in the movie »The Life of Brian«). Revolutionary thinking people against »reformers«, feminist against queer, Socialist against Anarchist, truly human rights loving bourgois and religious against anticapitalists / antifascists, »First« against »Second/Third« world, intellectuals against »simple-minded«, High-wagers against »losers« disabled against normal performers, veggies against carnivores, car drivers against car boycotting, anticapitalists against datenschutzer, ...
Capital, governments, and fascists laugh at us doing their work.
4. Capitalism as a religion
We have been brainwashed, just like in the really existing / having existed Socialist countries. The majority of us mixes up democracy and capitalism, autocracy and socialism, believes in a causal link between prospering companies and prospering employees / workers, in a dependency of finance and fossile markets, does not feel the daily structural violence against us, the lack of freedom, doesn't see where the real power is. Religion is making us believe in that the rich and powerful made up for us. Religious axioms are never to be questioned. No one stops the capitalist spreading their lies in the media.
We will not be able to organize / orcanize, to resist, emancipate, and self-empower, if we don't wash our glasses thoroughly.