
I have felt more like being a pawn than the chess player lately. I miss the old me. The one who takes the initiative, and if nobody is yet on my side, I just keep going.

Now, I let others decide for me. I absorb their opinions as if they will make my future bright. I simply stopped being me.

It is wonderful though that I have observed that I am lacking proper boundaries.

I need to secure them starting today and not to be scared of walking away from what doesn't serve me.

A Few Things to Set and Follow

Thus, if I have to go to work, I will go to work and any request from anyone shall not be entertained.

If I can't do something, I will be honest about it no matter what. Leading people on is too much of a pressure.

If I am sleepy, I will go to sleep as a respect to my body.

If something is not okay with me, I will speak my mind. If it can't be fixed, I will let it go.

Letting go might be the hardest thing to do, but if it costs me my peace of mind, do I have another option?

Starting today, I will follow these boundaries. No more guilt emotion.

sifuyaki | pixelfed