

There are a number of editions of our textbook.

There are many editions of our textbook.

One edition is from 1973, it has an interesting explanation.

Interesting Explanation

The 1973 edition has explanations in 41 languages.

41 languages

The explanation is in some languages of persons in our university.

Some languages in our university.

This book will teach you the first steps of English. It gives you about 500 important words in sentences, with the meaning shown through pictures. … The sentences will take on meaning for you as you compare them with the help of the accompanying pictures, page by page. The load on your memory is kept light. All your attention can be given to seeing how changes in the sentences go along with changes in the meaning. Learning English this way is more like play than hard work. — p. 17


この本は英語の第一歩を教えるもので、 五百余りの重要な単語が文章に含まれており、 絵に依ってその意味が示されています。 … 各頁の絵に比較しながら読みますと、 文章の意味が解って来ます。 これは憶えるのにとても見易くしておりました文章の変化によって意味がどんなに変って行くかと言う事に貴方の全注意を向けてよいのです。 此の様にして英語を習うのは仕事と言うより遊びと言ってよいでしょう。 — p.40

The comments from learners after our first class made a sentence in the explanation come to mind.

Learning English this way is more like play than hard work. 此の様にして英語を習うのは仕事と言うより遊びと言ってよいでしょう。

The comments and the sentence make a page from EP3: English Through Pictures Book 3 come to mind:

Comments on learner worksheets make this EP3 page come to mind.

#English #ESL #EPGDM #EFL #IaRichards