Counter Culture Comments


This is an edited version of the transcript for Counter Points Media's video '#SOPHGATE' The information might be old or outdated, and the author might not hold the same opinion today.



It’s been known to many that YouTube takes somewhat sadistic pleasure in muting the voices of those who hold extreme points of view, any in a move that should shock absolutely no one, YouTube just banned soph, a budding satirist and top alt-right commentator. Satirically commenting on various trends in modern culture, the majority of her content consists of mocking the far left and pointing out instances of violence that often occurs among the left’s protected class. Her account is still available on BitChute, so her content is still online, but that hardly negates the fact that YouTube should technically be legally bound to support all points of view, as they are classified as being a platform rather than a publisher, and receive benefits by doing so.

This is exactly why it is important to use alt-tech now, before you are banned. A user like soph, who understands the controversial nature of her content, will be sure to back it up on a website like BitChute. But by the time you realize that you’re next, it will be too late, and your content could disappear from the internet quicker than a dusted character in Avengers: Infinity War.