Letter to a Friend on a Wintery morning

A snapshot of my blog editing window

Just now finished writing a letter to a good friend, a young lady who is my penpal via the wonderful Slowly app.

As I wrote, and described what goes on with me, my thoughts turned to it could be a nice post to include here, today's blog du jour. So, why not?

I even mentioned that in the letter, which did not contain any personal info that would be untactful to share in a public venue like this. So, here we go!

One of the many letters I have enjoyed writing with this wonderful app. I sincerely thank the developers, who were into penpal friendships and letter writing in their younger days, and now brought their experiences into our more accelerated days in this 21st century we stumble along on.

Hello K., good morning!

Glad to read that you have finished the exams period and can now relax, sleep lots, think and just put your feet up when you get a chance. There's still work, so I now recalled, so it's not idyllic but better than the pressure cooker you were in until now.

Thank you for the list of books, recommendations. It is fun to have some suggestions for something different, although I haven't been reading books or even the online news much those days, so busy with things on the online universe.

Have been intrigued by all the new things to discover and try out, then I need time to reflect and understand them, all the while new other things pop up unexpectedly.

I haven't even slept normal hours, and have about 70 open tabs on my browser — honest, not kidding or guessing, I installed an add-on for Firefox to keep a backup of open sessions, since I have a hard time giving up on a topic and closing the tab for good.

Crazy, eh? It's that I have my main tabs with the community sites, Mastodon instances, each being like a bulletin board system of the older times. Now I am up to a few of them, the main one I am quite active, have just over 3,000 posts, but sometimes it slows down and there is nothing happening, no new posts, so it's nice to go out and see other local scenes.

Each of those has a focus, a theme and attracts different types of people. I stay away from any right wing ones, as these people are toxic and I can't stand it.

On my main one, Qoto.org, I have now been promoted to moderator, as of this week. :) Neat, isn't it? I am happy, have been enjoying spending my time there.

Last week I started posting on a Blog, my first ever, finally got around to doing something I knew would be good for me; I love writing, telling stories, and do have my own experiences to relate. Plus images, photos and things we find and want to create a little place to highlight.

The week before I went into search mode, to find which software/platform to use, where to locate it. I decided on one location, and once that was in, then it was time to learn to use it, and it's becoming nicer and easier with practice.

The platform I chose is called write.freely, a good name, as it has a very clean, simple, minimalist look. There's even a Dark or Night mode, which I enjoy and use in other apps. That is so much easier on the eyes for the long sessions I work at the computer (my laptop is getting much love, as it is such a delightful machine).

Write.freely has this Night mode, and when I go into writing, push a button for a new post and it pretty much instantly gives me a Black screen, no distractions, with my text going in in crisp white. It responds quickly, and is a joy to use. (and I am writing this to you already thinking it would be a good post for today's blog — Letter to a Friend, any personal details removed).

The write.freely software is open sourced and free, a pretty small package, and can even be run from a home computer if someone wanted to. There are online instances, places already having it installed and running, and many will accept new registrations for new users. Their is no cost to have an account, and depending on the place you select, there's more or less features to use.

My blog is at a place called Tedomum.net, which is located in France, a good thing. I prefer to use services located in Europe as they have better user privacy laws, and a better cultural environment overall. My own blog is at https://write.tedomum.net/rgx/ – take a look there sometime if you have a chance.

We are close to Christmas, and all the hoopla, lol. I am quiet here at home, and happy to have found those activities to keep me interested and entertained during the cold, long, dreary Winter season.

Will be sending this now, K, on it's way to you. Hope you have a wonderful time during the Holidays, and keep in touch as you can. I have been a bit slow to do my own letters, since my time is being absorbed into this maelstrom of new experiences, things to try, ideas to organize and pieces of writing to create.

But it's been fun!

Happy Holidays, dear friend. Hope A. is well and at your side when he can.

Big hug and a kiss, sincerely,


And I think this is our first shared photo, via Slowly!

Not mine, but I loved this one; it was taken in a small rural road, near Aveiro, Portugal. A touring cyclist took and posted it, and I loved the landscape, the fact people are using all light clothing and seem perfectly comfortable – and it was taken in October. Nice, at that time we would likely have nastier weather and cold, having to be more wrapped up in clothing than they are here.

Cyclists riding along on a beautiful small rural road near Aveiro, Portugal

Thank you for reading this, please feel free to comment about this post, your input is important. This page created entirely in MarkDown language.

RG. @design_RG@Qoto.org