
4 Important Factors In Choosing A Bunk Bed

More and more Americans are choosing to stay in their own homes rather than risk entering the housing market right now. This means that families are turning to home improvements and space-saving techniques in order to make their homes more comfortable. Bunk beds and loft beds are perfect examples of how to save space in a child's room. Unfortunately, there are no universal standards for bunk beds and buyers should strive to make the most educated decision possible when choosing sleeping arrangements for their children Irrevocable Trusts.

For families trying to conserve space, bunk beds and loft beds provide the perfect solution. When used in children's rooms, they provide more space for other activities and toys. Siblings can share a bedroom or friends have a permanent sleepover solution using bunk beds. Loft beds work best for a single child stuck in a small room. By including desks, drawers, cabinets and trundles into the bed design; a loft bed can essentially eliminate all other furniture from the room!

While it is true that bunk bed and loft bed designs typically follow a standard pattern, there are ways to customize them. Many companies offer a variety of wood finishes and some even offer themed options like camouflage tents and princess castles.

Purchasing a bunk bed or loft bed is an investment. In order to protect this investment, families should consider these things before purchasing:


With so many bunk bed and loft bed design options from which to choose, it is not hard to narrow in on a few winners. Most families are making this investment with the hopes the bed will last many years, so it is important to consider the bunk bed's functionality before finalizing the purchase.

Children have a tendency to grow. Quickly. Will the perfect bed today still be able to fit a gangly preteen or strapping teenager? Many bunk beds offer full bunk bed designs as well as twins. By choosing a full-sized mattress, the bunk bed has a much greater chance of lasting through childhood. Bunk beds also come in different heights. As long as a bedroom's ceilings can accommodate it, buying the higher bunk bed will allow adults and teenagers to sit comfortably on the bottom bunk.

Keeping the design simple and classic also goes a long way towards the longevity of a bunk bed set. The adorable dollhouse design might be perfect for a five-year-old girl now, but will she still find it adorable as a teen? Choosing a bunk bed with a simpler design will allow the child to customize her room as she sees fit without changing the bed!

Product Recalls

Although they rarely make big news, bunk beds and loft beds are not immune to product recalls. There have been instances when models have been recalled due to faulty workmanship, guardrail safety and potential for child entrapment. Most reputable dealers keep on top of bunk bed and loft bed recalls and remove those items from their inventory promptly. Still, as with all purchases, it is best to check the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and do your homework before buying.

Method of Construction

Kids abuse their furniture. They jump on it, jump off of it, hang from it and generally test all furniture to its limits. A bunk bed purchased for a kid's room will have to be able to withstand a great deal! Taking time to consider the method of construction of the bunk bed can ensure the bed will continue to provide a safe place to sleep – even after months of abuse.

Many experts say that metal bunk beds are unsafe. This is because metal beds are not as sturdy and tend to wobble, dent and bend over the years due to weak joints. Essentially, a metal bunk bed may save you money but is not a good investment in the long run.

Wood bunk beds are not without their problems. A good rule of thumb is the heavier the bed, the more likely it is to be sturdy and safe. Even with hardwood beds, screws and wing nuts can work loose over time. A properly designed bunk bed will have ample support braces to keep some of the pressure off of the bed's joints.

Grow Mushrooms for Food and Other Reasons As a fungi food variety, mushroom is produced by above the ground cultivation. These come in different varieties and you need to know the type you want to farm. There are wild and edible mushrooms. Edible mushrooms are nutritious and provide a good source of vitamins and mineral sources to the diet. They taste like meat and vegetarians and vegans will find this scrumptious. As you make a choice of the types of mushrooms you want to grow, consider the various types including; white, crimini and Portobello varieties. You could also find options of the oyster, maitake and shiitake mushrooms. Edible mushrooms will provide a great meal. You can blend mushrooms with other foods to make tasty meals Golden Teacher Mushroom in USA.

Factors to Consider When Farming Mushrooms:

Once you have collected the edible mushroom variety, you need to consider some factors under which they can grow. This includes the weather, moistures, soil and fertilizers. It is appropriate to consider:

Type of Mushrooms to farm and the seed to use( edible, medicinal and fiber mushrooms) Available land and soil type Temperature under which they need to g5row Farming Procedure for the Mushrooms including cultivation, weeding and harvesting process You can produce mushrooms for commercial or local consumption. If you are farming the mushrooms for your household, the amount produced might not be much. However, farming mushrooms for business requires that you look for the market since these are perishable food produce. As a producer for the business market, you might want to consider the dried mushroom options which will keep your produce for longer.

Reasons for Mushroom farming:

In essence, mushroom farming could be for the following reasons:

For business Home consumption Research and Medical Use Natural fibers Mushrooms have a great benefit to the human race and can be produce for food and other uses. Used as medicine, their extract combats numerous diseases including tumors and it improves the immune system. To produce them for natural fibers, you need a large-scale production, which will require colored mushrooms and fungi types for strong fibers.

Mushroom farming is an affordable activity that will require no money. Since mushroom is fungi, their production multiples to give you much more than expected. To benefit more from the farming activity, you need to research widely jn the different types of the fungi and their benefit to humanity. This might convince you to farm mushrooms for much more than food uses.

Stop Annoying Creditors Calls

Creditors call you at work, home and on your cell phone day and night sometimes every hour on the hour asking for payment. Due to the recession the harassing calls from creditors have increased and have gotten more unprofessional. In some instances consumers are unemployed and therefore can't send a payment but creditors don't care, they want their money and will do just about anything to get it – even lie collection agency phone harassment.

If you make just one late payment usually 30 days or more late, no matter what your previous payment history you could be placed in the same category as those who avoid paying bills, hide under a rock hoping their creditors will get tired of contacting them for payment or who have filed for bankruptcy.

Most creditors have a Collection Department that calls to remind you to send a payment if the payment is even one day past the due date. The first few calls the creditors seem really nice and ask when you will be able to send a payment. Then they their attitude quickly changes and they use all kinds of threats, lies, emotional guilt, rudeness, etc. to get you to make a payment.

Please don't fall for this! Know your rights as a consumer and the rights that creditors and debt collection agencies have to follow before making a payment agreement verbally or in writing. The two main acts that protect consumers are the Fair Credit and Reporting Act (FCRA) and Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) which can found on the Federal Trade Commission website at

A creditor or debt collection agency cannot call you before 8:00 am or after 9:00 pm. If a creditor or debt collector contacts you, you have the right to ask them to stop contacting you by phone by saying “cease and desist” and ask them to contact you by mail. If you feel a creditor or debt collector has violated your rights as a consumer file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission at 1-877-FTC-HELP or by going to their website at

Never make a decision to pay an overdue bill based out of fear or due to bullying tactics used by the creditors and collection agencies. Take a day or two to calm down, think about your situation and then develop a plan to start paying your debt back. Call the creditor back and tell them your plan to pay the debt back. Follow-up your agreement in writing and keep a copy for your records.

Why You Need a Divorce Lawyer

I recently overheard someone in a bookstore telling a group of people why they should not have their own attorneys, how they could not trust lawyers, how lawyers would cheat them and how they should rely upon the company the speaker belonged to instead. That conversation got me thinking about why people facing separation and divorce need not just any lawyer, but a good divorce lawyer Mediation Services for Divorce.

Reason #1-What You need to know

You need to know your rights, duties and responsibilities under the law. Only a lawyer who has been retained to represent your interests can advise you. How can you realistically discuss financial arrangements in separating and divorcing, if you don't know what your rights, duties and responsibilities are? Not knowing what your rights are can result in not getting your fair share of assets, your fair share of support or your fair share of time with your children. Not knowing what your duties and responsibilities are can result in your paying more than your fair share of assets or your fair share of support. Most attorneys offer a special reduced rate for consulting services to encourage people to get advice early and often. There is no reason to rely on backyard fence advice, when you can get real advice from a qualified experienced divorce lawyer for a reasonable fee. Furthermore, in my experience, the backyard fence advice is usually wrong. Remember that if what you hear is half true, it is still wrong.

Reason #2-Backyard Advice

My friend is divorced. Why can't I rely on my friend's experience and knowledge. Well, you could do that but what you need to realize is that unless your friend is a licensed attorney, he/she is not authorized to practice law. Your friend's knowledge will be limited to his/her particular experience. His/her experience with the law is limited to the facts of his/her case and the law as it was at the time. Things change. The law changes. Any change in the facts will change the outcome or advice. Furthermore, changes in the law will change the advice. Your friend simply lacks the knowledge and experience to give sound practical legal advice.

Reason #3-Identifying Issues

The sooner you get a lawyer, the sooner you will learn what you need to know to protect yourself (and your children and property interests). Sometimes people have no idea how to go about identifying the issues they need to discuss, even if the separation is an amicable one and the parties anticipate a “friendly divorce.” A good, experienced divorce lawyer can assist you in identifying the issues you need to discuss with your spouse to achieve a comprehensive agreement and global settlement. Over the years there have been numerous times when we were able to point out to clients areas they had initially overlooked and issues which should be included in their settlement discussions, such as life insurance, health insurance, and children's educational needs.

Reason #4-To Share or Not to Share?

My spouse already has an attorney. Do I really need to get one too? Can't the same lawyer represent us both? The answer is no, not really. 30 years ago when I first began practicing law, it was strictly forbidden for a lawyer to represent both sides to a divorce, no matter how “friendly” it was. There are some limited circumstances in which dual representation might be allowed, provided there is full disclosure of potential conflicts of interest and a waiver of conflicts with informed consent by both parties. These situations are limited and in the event that unhappy differences or disputes should arise, the attorney must end the representation and both parties must seek new counsel. Frankly, we rarely if ever agree to dual representation. We represent our clients zealously within the bounds of the law and the conflicts in representing opposing sides are too apparent for us to agree to do so. Not only that, but if your spouse has a lawyer, that means that he/she has already sought legal advice and has some rudimentary knowledge of his/her rights, duties and responsibilities under the law.

Someone once said knowledge is power. Would you rather be the one with the knowledge (and the power) or the one without knowledge? How trusting can you be of your spouse or his/her attorney in the circumstances? Remember that your spouse's attorney already represents your spouse. In our experience, spouses, especially those who tend to be controlling will think nothing of misrepresenting the law to gain advantage in the negotiation. Recently a client told me that her husband who remains in the marital home told her that she was now his “landlord” and therefore she could not re-enter the home without his consent and presence and that his lawyer said so. Needless to say, everything he told her was wrong. Her husband also told our client that they did not need to use lawyers and could reach an agreement on their own without lawyers. He also said that if she insisted on having her attorney review paperwork before she signed it that he would find something to disagree with on each draft to drive up her costs. Clearly he was trying to manipulate, intimidate and control his wife, who was wise to seek her own independent counsel from a knowledgeable, experienced divorce attorney.

Digital Marketing And Its Importance

Undoubtedly, the new and smart strategies for the businesses are the need of the hour. The market is now full with small and large scales business, thus the biggest challenge that both the consumers and producers both have to face is the presence of different brands selling the same product. For example, if you go to a store for buying dark chocolate, you can easily find 6-7 brands selling the dark chocolate even at the same price. This is the level of competition, which producers are facing these days. Therefore, to make your product recognized by everyone it is important to standout your business presence in the online world with smart digital marketing tactics Business incorporation.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing is a broad term that includes advertising, promoting, and strengthening the online presence of businesses through digital platforms. Some of the digital tactics that fall under the umbrella of 'Digital Marketing' are digital advertising, email marketing, content marketing, pay-per-click, online brochures, and more. Unlike other offline marketing efforts, digital marketing allows getting accurate results in real time. For example, if you put an advertisement in the newspaper, it is nearly impossible to estimate how many people flipped to that page and paid attention to that ad. While with digital marketing, you can easily measure your ROI of any aspect of your marketing efforts. According to Crux Creative Solutions Private Limited, one of the best online marketing agencies in Delhi NCR is here to explain why digital marketing has become so important.

Website Traffic: As discussed above, it is very difficult to understand how people are engaging with your brand through offline marketing. While online marketing helps you in identifying trends and patterns about how people are behaving with your brand. Hence, you can make better strategies in the future to attract more and more consumers to the website. Not only can this, with digital marketing you get the exact number of people who have viewed your website's homepage in real time by using digital analytics software. These stats help you in deciding which digital strategies to continue and which to stop using.

High Visibility on Search Engines: Search Engine Optimisation is another powerful digital marketing strategy that offers a variety of benefits to the business owners. As discussed, there is tough competition between the brands in the market. When we search any service on the search engine, we get 100s of results. Naturally, we believe in the top five searches because they are the most reliable website links according to Google. Thus, by optimizing your website content through digital marketing strategies, you can reach to more online buyers.

Content Performance: Online marketing lets you estimate your content performance. Let us understand this with an example, imagine you have delivered pamphlets and posters to a different sector of societies. The problem is that you have no idea how many people opened those posters or threw it in the dustbins. Now imagine that you have that same poster on your website. You can exactly measure how many people clicked that poster, how many closed that poster and the details of those who clicked the poster. This not only informs how engaging is your content also generates leads for your website.

Do You Need a Passport Book Or Passport Card?

The U.S. Department of State Passport Services recently began issuing the passport card as an alternative to the traditional passport book. In a short period of time, Passport Services received over 350,000 applications for the passport card. What is the purpose of the passport card? How does it differ from the passport book? Which travel document should you choose Passport Office Alappuzha? Is one better than the other? These are just a few of the questions for which you will find answers below.

You may use the passport card when traveling by land and sea anywhere in the U.S. when you arrive from Mexico, Canada, Bermuda and the Caribbean. The Passport care may NOT be used if you are going to travel by air. Other than that, it carries all of the privileges and right of the U.S. passport book.

The State Department has begun issuing passport cards in response to the needs of resident communities that are located on the borders of our great country. It is a less expensive and a much more portable alternative to the traditional passport book. The passport card has the same validity as the passport book – ten years for adults and five years for children ages 15 and younger. If an adult already has a passport book, they may apply for the card and only have to pay $20 because it would be considered as a passport renewal. First time adult applicants will pay a fee of $45 while for children it is $35.

The passport card contains a radio frequency identification chip or RFID in order to facilitate U.S. citizens who are living in border communities. No personal information is written on the RFID chip.

The U.S. State Department along with the Department of Homeland Security stated that the U.S. Passport Card is now in full production and is also being distributed. The Passport Card is a convenient document that you can slip right into your wallet and is used for land and sea travel. It is NOT valid for international air travel.

Starting in June, 2009, travelers will have to show their Passport Card that denotes both their identity and citizenship when coming into the U.S. through a sea or land border.

Passport Cards Vs. Passport Books

Passport Book- Valid if you travel by air, sea and land

Passport Card – This is only valid if you travel by sea and land only. It is limited to travel between the United States and Mexico, the Caribbean, Canada and Bermuda.

Passport Book and Passport Cards – These are both valid for adults for 10 years and 5 years for minors

Passport Book Cost – The first time fee for an adult applicant is $100 and $85 for minors. This includes both the application fee and the execution fee.

Passport Card Cost – $45 for those 16 and over including execution fee and $35 for those under 16.

Skin Creams And Lotions – Learn To Distinguish Between The Two

There is plethora of lotions and skin creams available in the market. For any disorder there is a wide range of skin creams and lotions are available. Due to more and more research as well as demand, availability of skin care products in the market are increasing every day for every type of skin. Both skin care creams as well as lotions are in demand but which form of skin care is a better lotion or a cream is a debatable question Kollagen Intensiv Skin?

Actually it is entirely a personal selection hence there is no right or wrong answer. Nevertheless, oily creams are not as famous as non-oily creams and lotions because oily creams and lotion need to be removed before applying makeup unlike non-oily creams and lotion. Skin creams are more popular because they are easy to apply specially when there is no need to remove the same immediately on applying. Skin creams are more in demand as moisturizers whereas lotions are in demand as cleansers and toners. Though toners are available in cream form too, lotions are preferred over creams. As far as cleansers are concerned, though both lotions and creams are in equal demand inclination seems to be towards lotions

Creams help in keeping the skin moist hence skin care creams in the form of moisturizers are most in demand. Because of this reason many people relate skin care creams to dry and sensitive skin. Even though it is a fact that to some degree, skin creams are not for dry skin alone, there are also creams for oily skin as well as for normal or combination skin. For example, creams of vitamin A and Sulphur help in reduction in the rate production of sebum hence good for oily skin type.

Skin infections can also be treated by skin care creams specially infections where it has to be locally applied. This is because creams can be applied locally without any wastage. However the skin treatment demands washing of the particular area with medicine or an antiseptic product, and only then lotion should be used. Manufacturers are aware of this hence they make it easier to select between a lotion and cream.

Have IRS Problems? Learn How To Understand IRS Letters and Notices

Understanding And Responding To IRS Letters And Notices

This tax relief article will give you better information about how to respond. Each letter can be found on the IRS web site. Just Google the letter or form number and select the sites you want explanations from, including the link to the IRS CP22E web site.

Sample Of IRS Letters & Notices

Please read my descriptions for each letter. Even if you didn't get that letter, the descriptions contain a sample of IRS letters & notices useful information that these letters contain. It should help you understand the IRS letters better.

Great Tax Reduction Technique

What if you get a letter from the IRS charging you additional tax based on a math error or a clerical error? How would you like to avoid paying it? Here's how... write back within 60 days and say you request an abatement under section 6213(b)(2). This may get it abated. It's worth a try. Sometimes they reassess it, but they must issue a “notice of deficiency” giving you appeal rights. Include in the letter a statement that you disagree with the additional tax and the action you want taken, such as “I disagree with the additional tax assessment because I did everything correctly and I want you to remove the taxes.” Also state that if they don't remove the taxes, you are requesting that they issue a notice of deficiency so you can file an appeal. The notice of deficiency will list the changes that they made. (Often you get a correction letter that doesn't spell out why they made the changes in the first place.) Use this approach for letters involving a missing SS# (supply the number and copy of Social Security card if you have it, in your letter). Send your letter to the address they request you respond to. Never be afraid to call or write for an explanation of the letter or the adjustments being made. You may just want to pay it, or if you are contesting it, you have a better understanding of what you are contesting. If you do call for an explanation, do not give any information as to what and why you did anything! They will record it and it can be used to deny your request for abatement.

CP 11 We Changed Your Return You Have A Balance Due

This notice reflects adjustments the IRS made to your return and the effect it had on penalties and interest. If you don't agree, speak up now, usually the longer you are in the collection process the harder it is to undo things. If you don't understand why the changes were made, contact the IRS and ask. You don't have to answer questions beyond the verifying questions to prove that you are you, or make promises of when you will make payment. Just say you will call back soon after looking into the matter.

Letter 11 Final Notice Of Intent To Levy

And notice of your right to a hearing. You have 30 days to appeal. I prefer solving the case before that time and getting the R.O. to hold off on the levy. Appeals are time consuming, and still won't solve the compliance issues of filing delinquent returns, and payment issues of paying delinquent taxes. If you can't file the delinquent taxes and fill out the collection information statements within the 30 days, call the R.O. or ACS and explain your great desire to cooperate. Give them what they want, give them some answers they want, and you will probably be given more time. If not call back again. Don't give up. You are allowed to have time to resolve your case.

CP 14 – Request For Tax Payment

This is your first bill for taxes due. A nice simple request for payment. The IRS feels that you still did not pay enough to cover the liability plus interest and penalties. This letter will go to great lengths to explain the interest and penalties, and often less about why you owe money.

CP 22E

This is a change based on the result of an IRS audit examination. You don't even have to be aware of it! The IRS can and does conduct audits without your knowledge. If they think everything is O.K. then you probably will never know it happened. If not you will get a letter. You should respond with your proof for any items you want to claim are justified as staying the way you reported them. Or you can just agree to their changes. Often the reasons for the change are missing. How nice. Pull your third party payer information and see why they have different information than you. If you can't get it in time, call and find out why. You may have to make a few calls. Hang in there.

Coupon Codes and How They Work

Nowadays, people buy from the comfort of their homes through their Internet-enabled computers and other devices. When placing orders, they use coupon codes at checkout. What are these Wow Coupon Code? Actually, these are special codes that are offered by a seller for promotional purposes. With these codes, you can get a few bucks off a product. This is a great benefit especially if you are a regular buyer of different products. If you want to use them, here is what you need to know.

Promotional Codes

Traditionally, you had to hand over the coupon code to the retailer in order to enjoy discount. Nowadays, you get the same thing in the digital form. All you have to do is enter the numbers, digits or alphabets in the box and then press or tap enter. Voila! You will see a considerable reduction in the final amount you will pay for the product or service. It's functionality is not different from that of printed coupons. You save a lot of money.

The value of one code may be quite different from another. Some help you enjoy free shipping. Others give you a few bucks off the total price of the product. In some cases, the retailer may offer you a fixed amount of discount provided you spend the minimum amount set by them. Once you crossed the limit, you will qualify for the discount.

How Do They Work?

There are some restrictions as far as the uses of these codes is concerned. However, the restrictions vary based on the types. If you want to get the discount, you will have to meet all of the conditions. Therefore, it's a good idea to go through the fine print carefully. With some coupons, you can't get discount for some specific products. And then there are some coupons that can get you discount on all products across an online store.

All coupons come with expiry dates. Moreover, a code may not be used beyond a certain number of times.

Types of Codes

There are a lot of types. You need to understand each type in order to make the right choice. Choosing the wrong type won't give you any benefit. There are three types. Let's know more about them one by one.

Public coupons are for everyone. You can use them for as many times as you want. You can find them on numerous websites on the Internet. With a bit of search, you can find them easily. They are easy find than other types.

Private codes are also offered by some retailers. Since they are exclusive, only a few select users are able to avail them. For instance, the retailer may give the coupons to their frequent customers. They can't be shared and can only be used by the named shoppers.

Another type is known as restricted codes. Only the recipient can use them since the computer will verify the information and if the provided information doesn't match the information saved in the computer database, the code will be rejected.

Where to Find Them?

If you have been looking for coupon codes for a certain product, you can look for websites and blogs that are dedicated for this purpose. On these sites and blogs, you can find almost all types of codes. If you sign up on these sites, you will get a notification as soon as new codes are available. So, you won't have to look for them over and over again.

What You Can Expect From A Luxury Home

A great many people characterize extravagance significantly with regards to cost however there is something else to extravagance besides how much cash you spend. It is extremely difficult to characterize extravagance homes in an accurate manner since this is a made thing up of a few variables. Assuming you are searching for a rich home to purchase, there are a few general characteristics expected inside it and they together make the extravagance that is the LUXURY HOMES FOR SALE. The following are a portion of the highlights that such homes tend to share practically speaking.

Ideal spot

Extravagance homes tend to in sought after areas like near the ocean or ignoring an ocean besides. Others are in separated rocky regions or on one while others might be neglecting a delightful city. Everything relies upon whether you wish to have your home in the city or the nation however by and large they will be prime found drawing in very good quality purchasers hence.

Excessive cost

Like referenced before cost deciphers extravagance and most homes under this class will be exceptionally valued. Various regions draw in various costs yet you can't anticipate paying anything lower than a portion of 1,000,000 while searching for a lavish home to and the costs can go far up into many millions relying upon the size of the property.

Wonderful conveniences

Extravagance home convey the most wonderful conveniences in that you can direct your life right from your home without requiring different administrations out of it. Most will have a rec center, spa, pool, Jacuzzis, arcade rooms, cinemas and even purification rooms. Some extravagance homes accompany over the top conveniences and they draw in the purchasers since they make the property special, independent and helpful in each sense. They are a portion of the elements instructing costs separated from area.

Head quality

Extravagance homes have everything chosen with care from the machines, gets done, plan and even materials utilized for development and stylistic layout. They are undeniably cut above principles so you the purchaser can have something to value. Hardwoods, marbles, precious stones and Venetian mortars among others are normal parts in the homes.


Top of the line purchasers including high profile people and big names treat their homes as peaceful shelters thus security is given the all important focal point in extravagance homes. On the off chance that the house isn't situated in an isolated land enormous in size, then security will be accomplished utilizing foliage covers, high walls and firmly gated doorways some of the time total with watchmen to maintain order.