Calm and peace

Screenshot with calm colours and background

I wanted to write today about something that has been kind of a theme with me the last month, calm and peace, and how I've been trying to achieve that in my life lately.

A calm and non changing system / colourscheme

I posted a screenshot up on top, and apart from the background image nothing is really changing on the system, and honestly I really like it, the nord colourscheme is really nice and calm, nothing screaming out at you, while still highlighting the right things are great.

Bspwm works very well together with this philosophy for me, it's very consistent, things just do what I expect them to, nothing jumps around, and it's starting to get really second nature to me, kind of the same feeling that you get from using vim, everything just goes by muscle memory, I don't even think before I press buttons, and when you're in a flow it kind of just feels like the system just does what I want it to without having thought about it.

Drastic reduction of phone notifications

As I started out muting and peering down phone notifications my phone almost never notifies me about something unimportant anymore, and I have to actively check to see what I'm happening, it felt scary in the beginning, I got the fear of missing out (FOMO), but as I have turned them off one after one it's really nice, and I feel I can focus better, since my phone doesn't bring me out of focus to bring the next dopamine hit over and over.

Moving from YouTube to Newpipe

I've been moving over from using youtube to using NewPipe and it has been wonderful really, the interface feels great to use, and it doesn't push you to keep on watching, also funnily enough, the Norwegian translations of the interface is top notch, and just feel way better than the google ones, which is quite impressive.

Reducing coffee

I went down from drinking ~5 cups of coffee a day to 3 cups of tea this month, and it's also really nice, I don't feel so wired and anxious anymore, other than my by nature anxiousness.

All in all

So most of my last moth has been trying to focus on mental health, getting things more controlled by me, and less controlled by others, and companies, and so far I'm pretty pleased with the result, now the next step is probably to get started with meditation again, I was good at doing it for a while, but slipped off, that and getting a couple of running shoes again, so that I can get underway with running agin would be a great thing I think.