On skepticism

In most of my life I'm trying to be a skeptic, living by the motto “I want to believe as many true things as possible, and as few false things as possible” Personally I find this to be a very freeing way of thinking. But by no means am I perfect, and I'm sure that there are false beliefs that I still hold on to, but the thought behind it is nice.

But isn't it depressive?

I don't think so personally, I'm fine with not having free will for example, I'm not sure how it changes anything, either if I do or not, the way I see it doesn't change who I am, or who the people around me are. Also I'm comfortable saying that I don't know, because there are loads of things that I don't have a single clue about, and not knowing can be a beautiful thing, it means that you have the potential to learn and explore. And that's fun and exciting to me.

How does this come in contact with software?

Well in some ways it does, wanting to learn and understand can have a lot to do with it actually, I like using smaller tools that I can understand, I like knowing what my tools do, when they are running and what's happening on my PC, and if someone hypes up this “next best thing” I'm always asking myself what kind of value it will bring me before I give it a try. And yeah, for me a new experience, or seeing something cool, often is enough value for me, but it also mostly let's me have the possibility to reevaluate and try something new, it might be that this new fancy thing actually is better than the thing I currently use, and just dismissing it because I'm used to something else, maybe isn't the best way to do good things.

I like skepticism as a thought and as a guiding line through my life, it helps me focus on things that actually makes a difference, it makes it easy to pick out claims and things that aren't backed up, basically, if there is neither proof nor evidence for something, I feel that it's not something worth spending my time on.

Does it make me dogmatic?

Yes I guess in some ways it does, but then again, I try learning and picking up good things from sources that otherwise are something I'd dismiss, I do try to meditate, it's helpful for me, helps me relax and focus, I feel it's a net positive to my life, do I know how or what it does, no, not really but I like doing it and it brings positivity into my life, so I like it. Often I don't know why a piece of music, a book or some other art makes me feel good either, but as long as I can see it has a positive impact on me, that's usually enough for me.

Something I still work on.

There is one thing that I have started, and see great effect of, but I'm still not too good at, that is to learn when to stop, when something is not good for me anymore. I've started with small thing, when I listen to a podcast or watch a video or movie, if it's not making me happy, or learn something, or just is something that feels for naught, I'm getting better in just stopping it and move on to somethign that brings me more. If I'm in a discussion that just brings ire, I'm trying to stop, reevaluate, and just talk with the person, remember that I'm not talking with some unreasonable villain out there, but with a complex human that in their own story is the hero, just like I am in mine. So here's to getting better, and to stay positive, I hope you have a nice day and that you to make the best of it. Stop and think and enjoy the moments you have, and I'll try to do that as well.