Some open source games was suggesting an opensource reimplementation of civilization 5 and it made me think of some open source games that I have been really enjoying, that are based on games I used to play when I was a younger person, I'm probably giving out my age by doing this :p yes I'm getting old.



I used to play Transport Tychoon Deluxe for hours together with my brother when we were small, and it was so much fun, there is just something really satisfying with building up big transport networks and seeing cities and businesses grow, and it's just really nostalgic to me. This is a must play if you're into business managers or train sets and so on.

open-ttd homepage



Widelands is a game that is built to be like Settlers II another one of our favourites from when we were small, this is more a game of logistics than a normal strategy games, and the feeling of having your little tribe running around dealing with all of the resources, how busy it is when they move things from one place to another is something that I never really get enough of.

widelands homepage



Rrotage is a fantastic bullet hell shooter, which has playstyles from other games, one mode is like ikaruga, and others from shooting games that I don't know, but it's really fun to play, and they all have their charms, it can be really difficult, but also so much fun if you want to really shut your brain off and get into the zone.



Of course this is only 3 games, I might come back to revisit this at some other time, but these are just games that I have enjoyed a lot, so I wanted to share, and I hope you can enjoy them a bit too :)