verity's correspondance book


Watched Seasons 3-9.

A rotating cast of white British men act as the “helicoptered-in” detective inspector working with a tiny team of local sergeants and constables. Each DI starts their run of episodes literally flying in, most often from London, and often struggle with culture shock, to comedic effect.

Despite the fairly frequent cast changes, the stories emphasise camaraderie and community. Where the previous shows I've talked about focus on how close-knit communities close around their own and exclude the outsiders, community in Death in Paradise is much more inclusive. There's more about taking care of each other and accepting each other's foibles.

Each episode is incredibly formulaic. Plenty of locked room mysteries here, only slightly bumbling detective work and a round-up at the end. Comfort watching, only if you don't mind the lingering taste of colonialism.

#TV #crime #ComfortFood