verity's correspondance book


diamine sepia, Lamy Al-Star (B)

diamine emerald, Jinhao 992 (F)

rohrer + klingner verdigris, twsbi eco (B)

parker quink blue-black, parker ??? (M)

diamine syrah, Lamy Safari (A)


Diamine Disdainful Damson in Kaweco Sport (BB)

R+K Verdigris in Lamy Al Star (F)

Diamine Pumpkin in TWSBI Swipe (F)

Diamine Sepia in Pilot Metropolitan (M)

in which I try to like the Swipe, again, and don't. Just give me wet nibs all day and I'll stop talking about it, I promise!

Also found a leak, which I think localises to a Jinhao converter. The Faber Castell Grip is now subtly maroon thanks to Diamine Syrah.


Diamine Syrah in Lamy Al Star (B)

Diamine Kelly Green in TWSBI Go (1.1 stub)

R+K Fernambuk in Parker (M)

Campo di Marzio blue in Faber Castell Grip (M)

The Kelly Green is a very fresh, bright colour, but continues to be incredibly wet. Keeps splashing in my pen cap and feathering and bleeding all over the place.

#currentlyinked #fountainpens