Time Machine – new at Slowly Stamp Store
New and awesome Feature added May 2020
This morning was an exciting time for active Slowly users, those of us who visit and read, write in the Reddit sub for SlowlyApp found a new post — announcing a radical, lovely, awesome new feature.
The original Poster there only uploaded a screencap from his Mobile — but it was clear what it was.
Time Machine
Get 1 stamp from Special Days and Series that you have Missed. Check the Full Listing here.
This was great — and many of us got into commenting, Up voting, shopping for these newly available and RARE stamps. OMG!!! :)
38 Upvotes, and 39 Comments in the Topic, 13 hours after posted. For a small Sub like ours, those are Very Good numbers!
And Comment we did.
The following text in this page is a lightly edited collection of my (Yann2) comments posted in the topic. Plus, on Twitter also.
#1 : Yo you all
—– Up Vote this nice Friend who brought us the exciting news!
Bought one stamp — and got the wonderful St George's Day stamp. :)
Just hoping I can avoid the Easter Eggs, had enough of them, too specific. Gotta chase the ads and the coins, now we have a Target to use them. :P
Edit —– Crossposted on TWITTER. Edit 2 : And I just blew my entire balance, 2 coins left, lol.... Got a lot of nice ones. Thankfully ONE Easter Egg only.
Time Machine Banner at Slowly WEB mode
We had been talking and excitedly buying as many stamps as our coin purses allowed. At first, it was unclear which stamps were included, but there's a Full List webpage now.
#2 There is a big number of stamps
...including some nice time limited stamp sets : [Click on links to see screencaps of stamps and sets]
And numerous, previously restricted stamps, sold only in certain countries.
- Dança Dança, Carnaval do Brasil Brazil, 2020.
- Holi, Indian Festival of Colours India, 2020.
- Malenitsa, Pancake Festival Ukraine and Russia, 2020.
- Winterlude Festival, Canada, 2020
Took some snapshots on the phone, to document this. The Feature is working in Slowly Web mode too.
An exciting new idea, thanks Slowly Team! :)
#3 Re: a comment about the RARE Hello Kitty
...stamp sets from 2019 (45th Anniversary, only issued in some Asian countries)
Those Hello Kitty sets are hard, I am not even counting on getting them.
But — if we send a suggestion in, they might get added to the Time Machine as well – as they fit the profile.
- time limited
- special editions, sometime country specific
- and no longer available.
And I did send in a suggestion, via Twitter post to Slowly Team.
#4 Re: Rare Early Bird Stamp – and the user who spent 800 coins
...but was so happy, he GOT IT. :)
This was a nice morale booster – to let people know that yes, you CAN get that special stamp you wanted. Just keep trying, spend some coins, watch the Slowly short video ads, and they add up. I am back to 20, after a full balance blowout this morning!
#5 Re: stamps as a funding model
...to keep the company alive and running :
Nice post, good thoughts — I think the way they are funding the company, and paying the costs to maintain service is pretty unobtrusive. I don't mind it at all.
It will give you stamps that are Unique for your collection — but meaning that you own them outright, received or bought a copy in the past.
Received in the mail stamps, this will not apply – I bought 11 of them this morning (now collecting coins for more) and the very first one was St George's Day, a beautiful stamp.
That now I own and can send to pen pals; although I had it before, received from others.
It works in this sense identically to the World Explorer feature.
Nice post, good thoughts — I think the way they are funding the company, and paying the costs to maintain service is pretty unobtrusive. I don't mind it at all.
A single coin costs 2 Cents of a Canadian Dollar, my local currency, if bought in 500 coin pack. A full 6 stamps set, 100 coins regular, is $2 CAD a pretty reasonable amount. [a coffee at a lousy place, plus tax, costs that here]
And I have bought coins before, and even after the free ones are around.
#6 : How to see a LARGER image of ANY stamp?
Easy, follow this.
- point at the desired stamp.
- Right Click, choose View Image.
- The image loads in the Browser. The Location bar will be show something like the URL below.
- But — it's SMALL, eh ? We can grab a LARGER image.
- Edit the URL on the Browser address – remove the “-sm” after the “stamp” word.
- So now it is
- Done? Hit Enter, or Select REFRESH page or press F5 in a laptop. :)
Like it? Me too. :D
And Some Reflections about Stamp Collecting :
#7 Re: Draculalien was happy with this
... having suggested it before. :)
They are thoughtful, and continuously work in improving the app.
With people getting HUGE stamp collections, it's coming to a point where there's not much left for them – and that kills the joy.
This does a great deal to help.
And I truly believe that stamp collecting works best if taken Slowly – dig and enjoy each new incoming stamp, each new little one you buy from World Explorer.
Get a set and use it with penpals, I do that, sequentially — one by one, with my reply letters, until they have the complete set.
Too many new stamps and sets, you lose that magic a bit; happened to me. Some sets from Christmas Store Sale are still not in normal use for me.
Never mind the MANY new country ones I got more recently.
Slowly is Definitively BETTER for stamp collecting.
#8 Re: a response to a New Slowly user
... and budding stamps collector.
Welcome to the Fold, friend. Enjoy, and... Take it Slowly. :)
Honestly, I had the most fun when I was receiving a new stamp in a letter and it was such a High. And saving, collecting free coins by watching the video ads.
Until you can purchase a stamp, or better yet – a whole set, always a better deal, 6 stamps for 100 SlowlyBucks. :P
We can get turbo into collecting but — I really think it's not the same (happened to me, and I plan to write a blog about it)
Many heavy collectors are hitting the wall, as they are over 400 stamps – and not much else is available. So – take it easy and ENJOY it, as it's great fun. :)
Says me, with 385 stamps on the fold, including the 11 new ones I just blew my whole coin balance on, the Time Machine new feature is a boom and an addiction, lol.... :)
But what I wrote above is, honest to God, what I really believe in.
Famous Last Words
Special thank you to all the folks behind the SLOWLY app.
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