Write a Slowly Story – Get a Bonus if accepted

Great way to get some Slowly coins?

Not everyone is aware, but Slowly App team has a nice feature called “Slowly Stories – where they publish articles they received from users from all over the world.

You write a piece describing your experience using the app, a tale of how you connected with a special pen pal, or maybe reminisce about someone who left and is dearly missed.

Then send it in for Submission (like on a magazine article). If they like and publish it, you get your letter on their growing collection, some exposure and a 200 Coins bonus.

That buys 2 full sets of stamps, or assorted ones (8) via the World Explorer, which is a great way to collect stamps from many places.

How to Submit a Story ?

Terms and Conditions – from Remarks, in the Submission page :

  • All submissions are subject to internal review.
  • We will contact you through email if we will publish your story.
  • To show our gratitude, the author of the published story will get 200 Slowly Coins.

You could also submit a story via Direct Message to their Twitter, Instagram or Facebook accounts. Or email the Stories Editor, directly — stories@getslowly.com.

The Submission Form allows you to send in any images you might want included in the post. If sending by email, you can attach the images as well.

Have done it myself, and was quite pleased to see it go live. 😎👍

How long does it take to get a reply

In a recent new Topic in our subReddit, fellow user Zhuzqc_organic asked the question :

If you have successfully published SLOWLY stories before, how long did it take to be published after submitting?

For those who had experience with submitting/publishing slowly stories, I am just curious to know how long the duration it would be. I contacted the SLOWLY team, few days after submitting in, and was informed that it usually takes a few weeks.

It's an excellent question to ask, and having sent in some submissions, I can provide some insight,

Submission delays, can vary a lot

I have two stories published, and the process was different for each. The main thing to keep in mind is the Slowly Team is a VERY small staff group, and people do have to take on whichever work is priority at a certain time. This affects their other duties, and change the normal delays.

The Editor of Slowly Stories wrote back to me sometime in September. He apologized for the long delay, explaining it was caused by him getting into development work, as they had a major new release, the version 6.0 of Slowly coming out in July.

So, off he went, and his Stories emails and submissions pilled up. It was not personal, and I understood it perfectly. Keep this in mind with other interactions with the team, I do send letters to my contact, and then wait for a reply.

I do know my contact is also receiving many other messages and user requests; I believe the same person does the Twitter, Facebook and Instagram support duties. Imagine the inbox. 🙄😕

Here are my past experiences :

My very first submission, was sent in just after I wrote it. It was aLetter to my Japanese Friend at Winter Solstice (December 22, 2019).

I was very happy to see it accepted, and it was published on Christmas morning, December 25th. Given the Holiday's season, the office was likely in lighter duties, I imagine. I got a reply to my submission within a day. But this is unusual, I think normally things take longer. And because my letter was very focused on the Solstice and a Japanese custom practised in that time, this likely made it faster.

My second submission was responded to months later, as the Stories Editor was overwhelmed in the Summer. I had thought it wasn't accepted, and published it in my Blog instead — Appropriate, since it was a more practical piece, a Guide to using Slowly Web Mode.

My third submission is the most recent one, and was also accepted and published. I just checked the dates, and it was 7 weeks to receive the approval email.

So I hope this helps and encourages you, dear reader, to consider preparing and sending your very own story. There are almost 180 stories published now. 😜


Famous Last Words

Special Thank You to the folks behind this wonderful app — all the hard working people at Slowly Communications.

Letters we share, with pen pals all over the World, via the magic of the Slowly App. A modern day take in the traditional penpal experience.

Come and join us, if you are not yet using Slowly.

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@yann2@koyu.space Top ▲