Letter to the Philippines, a new Slowly Penpal

Another day and reply to a new Pen Pal gets written;

Contrary to my usual, this letter was written at night. The Weather has been good, most people are outside, doing yard work or exercising, walking, cycling. Warm weather is wonderful after a long Winter.

This is an example of the letters we share, with pen pals all over the World, via the magic of the Slowly App. A modern day take in the traditional penpal experience.

The original letter doesn't have the added pizzazz of imagery and links included in the Blog post – my Favourite way of Content Creation. But the inspiration and most of the text in this page came directly from the Slowly editor screen.

Sent an hour ago, and will reach the Web via Blog post way sooner than the actual letter reaches its destination — in the South East Asian country of the Philippines.

And here is the Letter, in Full.

Hello A.,

And thank you for your excellent reply letter – you wrote very well, covered many topics and had paragraphs in good sizes, so it's not hard to read. I also try to do the same, visually it's important that we give a reader little breaks so the eyes don't get strained if possible.

Wonderful that you have visited the links I provided you on my previous letter, and read, enjoyed the pages. I am very glad to have found my inspiration again, it had been months since I had last created a Blog page, back in mid January. But it's great fun, I take pleasure in the process of creating a visually appealing page, while also polishing the language to be correct and flow well.

It takes a few hours of work for each page, but I look at each of them as a complete piece, similar to a magazine article. That is my goal, that it feels and reads like one. :)

Thank you for your gentle compliments along your letter, I appreciate them. And I am glad to have you as a pen pal, a correspondent, we have similar interests and different cultures and places we have visited or lived in. Good material for many conversations!

New Blog Pages this week :

Recently, I have added some new pages to the Blog, trying to keep it to one a day if I can. In my last letter I mentioned the Slowly Web guide in the Reddit sub, but just yesterday I made a Blog version which is not only a lot prettier, but has new added content as well.

A Laptop is the Best & Easy way to use Slowly

On Friday I created another page with a Reply Letter to a Friend in Poland, May 2020, and it's also very nice, if I can say so. :)

Since you enjoy letter writing, there might come a time when you feel that a particular letter is a great one, and would like to share it with one or two close friends, possibly. I had done it, with people who wrote, read and appreciated letters, and now *wrote a blog page explaining my thoughts, methods —Forwarding a nice Letter to another Pen pal.

...so you see I have been busy! :) Which has impacted a bit on my letter replying, I have been a bit slower than usual, but will catch up. I have been active on the Slowly sub at Reddit, and it has good content for us users – a rarity on the Net, there isn't much anywhere.

And you can visit and read without even logging in.

Sorry for all those links, but this letter is getting similar to a blog page as well — I include extra links in the pages, for example those that were letters to pen pals; it adds value, but you want to keep your reader in your page, just suggesting these other ones for extra references, maybe when they finish the blog page. :)

Suggestions for Writing Good Letters ?

Examples are always helpful.

I think I will have to take this approach with this letter, actually, since I am half way thru it and it's already getting a bit late; but we will see.

And an idea leads to a new Discovery :

And I just had an idea and went looking. Found a NEAT site with an online Word Counter (that also reports many other things, got a screenshot. ) At the moment, at the end of the short paragraph above, I already had 950 words, so it will be 1,000 soon; I think this is good for Part 1? :)

While writing, I kept thinking that this would be another nice example to include on the Blog – it has good style, flowing text and paragraphs, nothing too personal to reveal. And — it has a lot of suggestions and examples, links which might make for a valuable page to many readers.

I am sure you would agree? and I will be sending this letter soon, then trying to create its online version so I can keep my publishing streak going, one page per day is very satisfying.

So please pardon me the indelicacy; And we will continue in part 2 soon, tomorrow likely.

Have a good day! I think my letter will reach you during daylight hours, possibly.



Famous Last Words

Special thank you to all the folks behind the SLOWLY app.

Letters we share, with pen pals all over the world. A modern day take in the traditional penpal experience. Come and join us, using SLOWLY.

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