Reply to Slowly Letter with Quotes – Tried it?
Another day and many new letters arrive
...and in a quiet moment, early morning preferably, I go about reading and replying to them.
Those are letters we share with pen pals in many countries, all over the World, via the magic of the neat Slowly App. A modern day take in the traditional penpal experience, developed and maintained by a small team in Hong Kong.
My blog here will document features, ideas, suggestions, experiences from using this programme. I have been using it for almost a year, and it has been very enjoyable.
Today's topic is a simple one. How to possibly use Quoted Text inside a letter reply – something that is not a function in the app itself (at least yet) but which upon this first experiment I find quite neat and worth mentioning.
First posted the reply letter below to the SlowlyApp sub-Reddit where I have been quite active recently. There are not many places to find information or discuss things with other Slowly users, so the Sub is wonderful.
Twitter users can find some content under the @SlowlyApp corporate account, and many user posts with the #slowly hashtag — although this hashtag is not exclusive to our use, and quite polluted as a result (all kinds of people using the “slowly” word and hashing it).
Why use the Quoted Text at all?
Until now, I hadn't done it. Normally, I use the WEB version of Slowly, in my laptop or a Desktop PC. I can see the letter I am responding to in the window, as well as the reply editor in the lower part of the screen.
That works well. I wrote a Guide to Using Slowly in a Laptop or PC, now a Blog page too. The original post was here, at a SubReddit topic.
In this particular case, I was quite underwhelmed by the pen pal response (honestly, clearly a mobile device user, as seen by the minimal effort in the letter).
The idea of a Full Copy of their letter, followed by inserting my own reply comments along it was what motivated me to reply to it – which I wasn't keen on doing (see also “minimal effort”, above).
The Letter itself, less any private detail, names, etc.
Hi M,
A reply to your last letter now – and I include Quotes :
How are you doing, I'm good.
I am ok too, thank you. Been busy with reading, writing and participating in Forums and now on the Reddit sub for SlowlyApp. It's fun.
How is life there?
We have some safety measures and social distancing, some stores closed. And some people can come in early, special one hour for more vulnerable persons – older or with some health condition that makes them more vulnerable.
Are you on Instagram too?
No, never!!! :)
I despise the place. The pollution of hash tags in every freaking word. People are clueless, vain or self promoting, possibly all of the above.
What are popular apps in Country-You-Live-In ?!
I wouldn't know well, as I am primarily a laptop or Desktop, a real computer user. It can show easily on the length of the letters I write, I am sure? :)
Any traveling plan?!
LOL, I wish, but not this year – just too much risk. And expense, and inconvenience. So, not at this time.
Take care M
Thanks, you too. Sent you another letter yesterday with a link to my new blog and *a full letter that I really enjoyed writing*. Check it out if you have a chance!
Take care, you too, stay safe.
Famous Last Words
Special thank you to all the folks behind the SLOWLY app.
Letters we share, with pen pals all over the world. A modern day take in the traditional penpal experience. Come and join us, using SLOWLY.
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This page created in MarkDown language. Thank you for reading, feel free to comment, via a direct message to my Twitter account – or the Reddit one.
You can also post a public comment in the Reddit thread for it here.